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Is Atanas Pekanov the next caretaker prime minister?


Atanas Pekanov will be the next caretaker prime minister. There is no way to get a cabinet with the third mandate. Political analyst Slavi Vassilev said this in the “Offensive” studio on NOVA News, commenting on the prediction he made a few days ago about who will be the next prime minister.

Combining the two parts of the speech, it is very difficult for me to recognize a party. The political formation that has a chance to bring the first and second parties together is “Democratic Bulgaria”. Everyone says it. I think there is a good chance that the mandate will go to DB. But who will be the government that will continue the legacy of the caretaker government – I don’t see how DB will continue this policy. At least their requests are not like that,” he answered the question of whether there is something coded in Vice President Iliana Yotova’s messages about which party will be the one that will receive the third mandate. We recall that she stated that “for the third mandate, the formation will be chosen , which has the greatest chance of uniting other formations for a governing majority, and will be a continuation of the caretaker government’s policies”.

In his words, the vice president probably meant that continuity was important. “It is important from the point of view of the interests of the state and from the point of view of its assessment of the official cabinet, which I personally share. They do and have done a lot of work. This emergency regime in which they rule the interim governments, and they rule for quite a long time, although The National Assembly works, but in which the cabinet does not have a majority – it shows that the symbiosis between parliament and executive power, which are not related, is capable of producing quite a few good things for Bulgaria”.

According to him, the president will always try to fulfill his constitutional powers, and if the greatest chance of forming a cabinet is with the PG of the DB, regardless of the fact that he called them “military lovers”, he will give them the mandate. That is, regardless of his personal impressions or judgments that diverge from those of Hristo Ivanovwill not prevent him from giving the mandate to Hristo Ivanov“.

Vasilev pointed out that other grounds for the possibility of a third-term government are only the signals that GERB and PP would support the mandate. “There are no other reasons to think that there could be a government. There is no prospect before GERB to open the door to a possible coalition between them, PP and DB. All analysts, including me, said that the chances of a cabinet are very very small”. And he added: “I think there is not a single person left in the country that there can be experts who can run the country without being tied to the political leaders who support them. The parties are so stunned by the stupor in which the political system finds that they are ready to promise anything – including promising an expert cabinet that they will not call and advise. This shows the extremely low level and state of the political process in Bulgaria. And it is so low that nonsense is being said “.

The political analyst also commented on his prediction that Atanas Pekanov will be the new prime minister. “I, as a commentator, have the right to make my predictions. This is a bit risky, since if they do not come true I am hitting on my own authority. However, I think that the constellation of political events in Bulgaria is such that it suggests that a new figure to go out and win the imbued hopes of the people for governance in a different way. Atanas Pekanov is the image that seems to me the most reliable in this direction. I, of course, have no specific information on who will be the next prime minister. But I can reasonably predict that it will be him. He will be caretaker prime minister. There is no way to get a third term. If it happens, it will be a miracle of miracles and its horizon will be extremely short.”

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