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is a clash on the obligation for teachers – Corriere.it

of Adriana logroscino

Sparks between Letta and Salvini. The pd secretary: “You’re joking with your health.” The leader of the Northern League: «I’m not joking. Useless obligation and not from a free country “

A few months ago the President of the Republic, against “the virus that tends to divide us ”, urged politics to avoid controversy. Today, as the Covid contagion picks up, vaccines are causing politics to quarrel: at least the obligatory nature of teachers, invoked on the one hand, against the freedom of citizens by a state that “runs after them with syringes in hand”, on the other. The only difference, compared to last November when the head of state launched his appeal, is that today there are two allied parties in the Draghi government: Pd and Lega.

Letta: “I in favor of the vaccination obligation, Salvini irresponsible”

Of citizens chased by syringes, Matteo Salvini has spoken several times in the past few weeks to defend the freedom not to get vaccinated. But it was the last occasion in which he evoked the image, referring to the boys whose other parties are calling for a more massive immunization to ensure the resumption of the school in the presence, to provoke the reaction of Enrico Letta. “Salvini – declares the secretary of the Democratic Party – laughs and jokes about vaccines, it is completely irresponsible behavior. There is no joking about the health of Italians. Vaccinations are a top priority. The government takes the most stringent initiatives possible. I am for the vaccination obligation».

Salvini: “The heat hurts in Letta”

The number one in the league does not cash. Indeed it returns the thrust. “For someone used to living in Paris the heat plays tricks on them. I don’t laugh and I don’t joke. Forcing 13 or 14-year-old students or teachers to get vaccinated is not a free country ». While the vaccination campaign goes on not without differences and difficulties, the theme is to reach those who evade the call. Whether he does it out of conviction, because he believes he is taking no chances or just because he thinks about holidays.

The vaccination campaign: 50 percent of Italians immunized

The point is that the defense against the Delta variant and against the risk that an exponential contagion paralyzes the country, is to accelerate on mass immunization. With over half of the Italians vaccinated having completed the cycle (27 million and 300 thousand, equal to 50 percent of over 12s, and 46% of the total) and 500,000 over 60 reached in a few days (but there are still 2 million to be intercepted), it is inevitable to look at young people and those who share their daily life with them, such as teachers. Moreover, according to the numbers of the Higher Institute of Health, the boys are the formidable vectors of this strain of Covid. And in the age groups between 12 and 39 there are most of the unvaccinated.

The warning of Hope. Agree on Renzi and Conte vaccines

To take on the task of issuing a warning to unity is the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza: «There is no ambiguity about vaccines by any political force. From the vaccination campaign it depends on the restart and the future of the country “. Aligned, for once, to the position of the dem secretary and the opposite of Salvini, he finds himself Matteo Renzi. “Saying no to vaccines for the under 40s is madness – he claims -. Covid is little more than a flu for those who are vaccinated ». Even Giuseppe Conte, leader in pectore of the M5S, speaks of vaccines as “the only antidote to protect the economic and social fabric”.

Minister Bianchi: “We evaluate the vaccination obligation of the professors”

But the words of the Minister of Education are enough, Patrizio Bianchi, to reignite the fuse: “We will discuss collectively the vaccination requirement for teachers this week in the Council of Ministers“. For Salvini, the hypothesis is inadmissible. “The population aged 60 and over must be made safe – he summarizes – from 40 to 59 choose citizens, young people do not need the vaccine. If by September 90% of voluntary coverage among teachers is estimated, what is the point of talking about obligations or dismissals at school? It is not a free country ».

Melons: “I get vaccinated, but I have doubts about immunizing children”

Alongside Salvini, despite the latest disagreements, takes sides Giorgia Meloniwhich, however, is outside the perimeter of the government. As his fellow Northern League secretary (“I’ll get vaccinated in August,” he said), he assures: “I said I’ll get vaccinated and I’ll do it. If I had decided not to vaccinate I would have already declared it ». But “I allow myself to have doubts about vaccinating children.” The leader of the Brothers of Italy asks for clarity. “If the vaccine is not effective in stopping the circulation of the virus but is effective in stopping the worsening of the disease, it is essential to reach the categories at risk. We are talking about children, but we have more than two million unvaccinated over 60s, which risk intensive care and death ».

The deputy mayor no vax and the contagion that continues to rise

There are many reasons to invoke a calm evaluation, while a deputy mayor of the province of Turin associates, through an image of Auschwitz, the discrimination of the unvaccinated with the persecution of Jews, ending up at the center of the controversy. Meanwhile, infections are growing, at least in proportion to swabs: the 2,072 new cases detected on Sunday are less than the day before, but with fewer tests carried out. The positivity rate rises to 2.3%. The dead are 7, the hospitalized are growing, even if slightly.


July 19, 2021 (change July 19, 2021 | 22:40)

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