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IRS Whistleblower Alleges Blocked Investigation into Hunter Biden’s Connection to President Biden

Correction: The headline of a previous version of this story on IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley misspelled his name.

Gary Shapley, an IRS whistleblower, has made new allegations regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of U.S. President Joe Biden. Shapley claims that his inquiry was prevented from following certain leads that could have potentially led investigators to the current president.

In an interview with CBS News, Shapley, who has worked with the agency for over 14 years, stated that the investigation into Hunter Biden was conducted in an irregular manner and would have ended differently for someone without Biden’s connections. He also alleged that his team was prevented from taking further measures that could have implicated President Biden.

Shapley further claimed that the investigation into Hunter Biden should have resulted in additional charges, including felony counts, due to personal expenses being taken as business expenses. These expenses allegedly included payments for prostitutes, sex club memberships, and hotel rooms for drug dealers.

House Republicans have criticized Hunter Biden’s recent plea deal, calling it a “slap on the wrist.” They have pledged to continue their investigations into both the president and his son, as well as allegations of interference by government agencies during the investigation into Hunter Biden.

President Biden, however, denied ever lying about speaking with his son regarding his business dealings. The president and first lady Jill Biden expressed their support for Hunter Biden in a statement released by the White House, stating that they love their son and will continue to support him as he rebuilds his life.

The House Ways and Means Committee, which has been leading an inquiry into potential interference during the IRS investigation into Hunter Biden, publicly released testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who worked on the case. The committee’s chairman, Rep. Jason Smith, stated that the whistleblowers described how the Biden Justice Department intervened and overstepped in an effort to protect Hunter Biden.

The committee will continue its investigation into Hunter Biden and whether President Biden may be implicated in any interference. Smith emphasized the importance of treating all taxpayers equally and holding agencies accountable.

It remains unclear if these new allegations will impact Hunter Biden’s plea deal. The agreement, reached with U.S. Attorney David Weiss, still needs to be approved by a federal judge. A hearing has been scheduled for July 26 to process the plea agreement, but it is uncertain if the judge will consider the allegations from the IRS whistleblowers in their decision.

U.S. Attorney Weiss has not publicly commented on the case since announcing the plea deal earlier this month.
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What specific information was allegedly not reported on Hunter Biden’s tax returns?

By Hunter Biden that were not reported on his tax returns. He asserted that the investigation was hindered and crucial information was ignored, pointing to a lack of transparency and alleged political interference.

The IRS whistleblower emphasized that his intention was not to target the President or his family, but rather to ensure a fair and impartial investigation. However, he emphasized the need for accountability and for the truth to come to light.

Shapley’s allegations add to the ongoing controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s financial activities and potential conflicts of interest. Critics argue that his business dealings, particularly with foreign entities, raise questions about ethics and potential influence on U.S. policy.

The Biden administration has yet to respond to Shapley’s claims. However, with these new allegations, the issue of transparency and accountability within the IRS and its investigations will likely continue to garner attention and scrutiny.

1 thought on “IRS Whistleblower Alleges Blocked Investigation into Hunter Biden’s Connection to President Biden”

  1. This article sheds light on the concerning allegations made by an IRS whistleblower regarding the alleged obstruction of an investigation into Hunter Biden’s relationship with President Biden. These claims deserve thorough investigation to ensure transparency and accountability.


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