30 mph. gusts of 55 mph.I’ll be back to check the time fortime what awaits us.Erica: You still didn’t declare your income.is the call they madefrom the rental serviceinternal.>> after the warning, someexperts we spoke totonight they recommend waitingat least two weeks tosubmit your declaration oftaxes. if you are one ofthe people you leave behindlast minute present yourtax return, thisMaybe he could play in his favor. heinternal rents servicehave a new notice forillinois taxpayers forrefrain from submittingtax declaration haáon 20 22. they have to determineif they should pay taxesfederal for refunds asthose approved in the state.to know howwill affect you, we look for theanswer from an expert.>> many with the stimuli thatpossibly form 1099.>> they want to make sure thatreceive your form so thatcomplete the declaration oftaxes. And if I already declare them?>> don’t worry. the only thing isthat if you read a form, youimportant is that you doin our attempt to getthe official guide, wewe contacted the irs.are working withtax officialsstate to provide clarityto taxpayers. are waitinguntil there is a professional.They hope to receive more information.>> i don’t think it will take long. Yeahthat by April 1 they should alreadybe all the forms.>> the deadline is the 18th ofApril. for more informationon how to receive the
IRS asks Illinois taxpayers not to file taxes for now | Videos | Univision Chicago WGBO
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