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Irrigators must have a fertilizer plan from 2028

By 2028, all irrigated farms in Spain and the larger rainfed farms must have a multi-year subscription plan, in accordance with the draft Royal Decree prepared by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and to which La Tribuna de Albacete.

This Royal Decree is drawn up following the guidelines of the European strategy called From farm to table, which according to Miteco “imposes very ambitious environmental objectives, including one referring to fertilization and good agronomic status of the soils.”

The president of the Central Board of Irrigators of La Mancha Oriental (Jcrmo), Herminio Molina, declared yesterday to La Tribuna that “without going into the more technical issues, it is evident that this Royal Decree, if approved in these terms, it will translate into an increase in bureaucratic burden for the farmer, who is already quite overloaded with paperwork. ‘

(More information in the printed edition)

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