Home » today » Health » Irrigation of broadleaf ornamental plants is said to be most effective from below, here is the reason

Irrigation of broadleaf ornamental plants is said to be most effective from below, here is the reason

URBANBANDUNG – Activities irrigation Plants are very important but apparently it’s not that simple. Of the various methods, irrigation decorative plants broadleaf is most effective from below.

Method irrigation decorative plants Broadleaf is more effective from below because the leaves remain dry and the water is more even than from above.

In this article, we will discuss the reasons irrigation decorative plants most effective deciduous tree from below and how to do it successfully.

Irrigation of underground plants is the process of slow soaking of the soil from below using a capillary action.

Bottom irrigation ensure uniform soaking of the soil, prevent soil disturbance and reduce the risk of leaf spot or disease.

However, it takes longer to water each plant and there is a risk of watering too much.

Most of us begin our gardening journey by watering the plants from above. It works well for many plants, but this method has its limitations.

Top-down watering is indiscriminate and can lead to uneven soil moisture.

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Your plant may look well watered, but you may be surprised if you take the plant apart and examine the soil outside.

It is common to find wet streaks with gaps in the drier mix.

Bottom irrigation can be a healthy alternative as it keeps the foliage dry.

Wet leaves promote pathogenic rot, fungus, or other diseases. Additionally, water droplets can cause permanent stains and discoloration on the leaves of some plants.

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What is bottom irrigation?

Bottom irrigation involves placing a shallow water tank under the plant and allowing moisture to seep upward into the soil.

This gravity-defying trick relies on the magic of the soil’s natural wicking action to gradually submerge the entire vehicle.

This method works on loose, firm ground. Ideal for small to medium sized plants that can be moved around easily.

How to water plants from below

– Find a basin or other tank large enough to hold your plants.
– Put the plant inside and fill the container with about an inch of water.

– Leave the plant in the tank long enough for the soil to get wet completely. Depending on the permeability of the soil, the size of the pot and the drainage capacity, the soil must be completely moistened within 10-30 minutes.

– There is no specific time in which you can leave the plants in the water. Half an hour is fine, but it’s not safe to leave it for hours on end.

You can feel the potting soil to make sure it is moist before removing it from the water.

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When should you water the plants?

Basic irrigation is usually a great way to do this irrigationbut sometimes specifically requested to:

1. Specific plant species

Bottom irrigation is great for plants such as peace lilies that thrive in moist soil. These plants can consume water quickly, making it difficult to track soil moisture.

Additionally, its lush leaves can develop spotting or mold problems if watered from above.

Some plants, including the orchid, African violet, or even the hardy Oxalis, are prone to spot if water settles on their leaves.

Bottom watering makes it easy to keep the leaves dry.

Many epiphytes and other plants that require a very loose mixture also perform better with bottom irrigation.

Since their mix dries and dries quickly and doesn’t hold much water, they appreciate a soak that ensures their roots have enough water to drink.

Caudex plants and many succulents have greasy stems that retain moisture. These don’t need frequent watering, but they do appreciate a good, short puddle once they’re ready.

Bottom irrigation is perfect for such a plant.

2. Dry land

Bottom irrigation is definitely the way to go when the soil has completely dried out.

Dry soils tend to be “hydrophobic” and completely water repellent. If the soil is too dry, the water added to the surface will only flow downwards without wetting it.

Note: Any time the pot empties too quickly, it is a sign that the soil has dried out and resists moisture or that it has too much aeration material.

A good bottom soak will completely hydrate even the driest soil.

3. Plants tied to the roots

When plant roots fill their pots and feed on the soil, the mixture loses its ability to absorb and retain moisture.

Plants need to be watered more often, and you can’t be sure the moisture has reached the entire root ball.

Bottom irrigation penetrate all roots.

If the plant is very root bound, there will be less capillary action of the soil to moisten the upper roots, so the tank fill is higher.

Also leave the root-bound plants submerged for a few more minutes, as there won’t be much water stuck in the lean soil. ***

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