Home » today » Business » Irpef declarations, in 2020 average incomes of the self-employed at 53 thousand euros against 21 thousand of employees. Only 4% over 70 thousand euros

Irpef declarations, in 2020 average incomes of the self-employed at 53 thousand euros against 21 thousand of employees. Only 4% over 70 thousand euros

In the year of the lockdown i self-employed they stated on average 52.980 eurodown from 57.970 of 2019 but still more than double compared to 20.720 of employees. The holders of sole proprietorships they have seen revenue decline for over 22mil less than 20mila euro, while the income of retirees it remained just over 18 thousand. The data on personal income tax and VAT declarations for the 2020 tax year, released by the Ministry of Economy, confirm that the country is split between North and South – in Lombardy the average exceeds 25 thousand euros while in Calabria it stops at 15,600 – and as usual the Irpef taxpayers who declare high incomes are a small minority. Between evasion pervasive and very low wages, in the eyes of the taxman only the 4% of the 41.2 million Italians who have fulfilled the reporting obligation exceeds i 70mil euro and over quota 200 thousand euros you only find it 0,3%. On the opposite side, the 27% it is placed in the band under 15 thousand euros. The national average value is 21,570 euros, down by 1.1% compared to 2019. A very modest decline if you consider that in 2020 the GDP collapsed by about 9%.

The total total income declared for 2020 amounts to over 865.1 billion euros, -19.4 billion compared to the previous year. All the main average incomes have experienced more or less marked decreases (-11% for business income, -8.6% from self-employment), but the employees thanks to the shock absorbers they were relatively “spared” and limited losses to -1.6% and average retirement income rose slightly. Income from employment and retirement accounts for approx 84% of the total declared income. As a result of quota 100 retired taxpayers have increased: over 58,000 more. On the other hand, the number of employees decreased (about 287,000 fewer) due to a decline in permanent workers of 0.4% and a decrease of 3.8% in temporary workers, the first to be left on home when Covid hit.

In July 2020, recalls the press release from the Mef, the personal income tax bonus of 80 euros per month introduced in 2014 for employees with total income up to 28,000 euros was replaced by supplementary treatment which provides a credit of 600 euros (100 euros per month for the period 1 July – 31 December 2020). In addition, an additional deduction was introduced, for individuals with income between € 28,001 and € 40,000, of an amount equal to € 600 (€ 80 per month) which decreases to zero for individuals with a total income of € 40,000. From the declarations for the tax year 2020 they result 12.8 million subjects with bonus due or additional treatment for an amount of 11.9 billion euros (+ 19.7% compared to 2019).

For 19% deductible charges, (equal to approximately 27.2 billion) starting from 2020, the deduction is due on condition that the charge is borne with bank or postal payment or through others traceable payment systems, with the exception of some types of healthcare expenses. Furthermore, for some types of expenses (education, university, funeral, donations to amateur sports associations, non-profit organizations, entertainment organizations, veterinary expenses, insurance premiums) the deduction is commensurate with the total income: it is fully due for individuals with a total income of up to 120,000 euros and decreases to zero when the total income of 240,000 is reached. These changes explain the 14.8% decrease in the total amount of these charges, which amount to a total of 27.2 billion euros.

Both expenses for the face bonus 90% deductible (which amount to 1.1 billion euros of expenditure) that the expenses for the superbonus energy at 110%actually operational only in the last months of 2022, for an amount of approximately 132 million euros of expenditure.

The total net income tax declared is € 159.3 billion, -3.5% compared to the previous year. Net of the effects of the Irpef bonus, the net tax is on average equal to 5,250 euros and is declared by approximately 30.3 million subjects, equal to approximately 74% of the total taxpayers. About 10.4 million subjects have a net tax of zero. These are mainly taxpayers with income levels included in the exemption thresholds or those whose gross tax is zeroed as a result of the deductions. Furthermore, considering the subjects whose net tax is fully offset by the Irpef bonus and supplementary treatment, the subjects who in fact do not pay the personal income tax rise to approximately 12.8 million.

The Covid effect was stronger on the statements Iva, submitted by 4.2 million taxpayers. The business volume declared in the 2020 tax year was 3,195 billion euros, a decrease of 10.2%. The division of assets comprising the travel agenciesthe organization and management activities of field trips tourist, i tour operator and the activities of the tour guides has undergone a a reduction of more than 73% in the volume of business. In the one that includes the air or space transport of passengers or freight the contraction was 61%, while the provision of accommodation for short periods to visitors and travelers shows a reduction of more than 50%. On the other hand, there is an increase for the division which includes i postal services and courier business such as the collection, transport and delivery of parcels (+ 40%), following the boom in e-commerce. The increase of more than 45% declared in the division which includes the activities of the architectural and engineering firms appears to be linked to the new incentives such as super bonuses and facade bonuses.

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