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Irma Testa, defeat and anger. Coach Renzini: “The judges took away two medals from us, the worst Olympics ever”

“The level of the referees-judges, with the selection criteria of the International Olympic Committee has fallen so low that I can safely say that this is the worst Olympics ever”. After the shocking verdict that deprived Abbes Mouhiidine of victory, the federal president D’Ambrosi had lashed out against the refereeing system in the boxing tournament. This time the outburst was from coach Renzini. “Two sensational and heavy errors that hit our spearheads, taking away two probable medals, within a few days”. The trigger was the defeat of the queen of Italian Olympic boxing, Irma Testa. The Chinese Zichun Xu eliminated her with a split decision (3-2), which is raising a storm.

Boxing, Abbes Mouhiidine surrenders to a scandalous verdict. President D’Ambrosi: “Shame, the IOC does not protect us”

by Luigi Panella

Judges still inadequate

Was it to be expected? In some ways, yes, especially in light of what we have seen in recent days, with clearly inadequate juries that do not seem to have the ability to analyze a boxing match in its entirety. And in this context, Irma’s match is a classic textbook case. The boxer from Campania, infinitely superior to her opponent from a technical point of view, boxed better. She used the jab well, keeping her opponent at a distance, moving around the ring with her usual lightness for at least two thirds of the match. She finished, it must be said, giving a feeling of tiredness. Furthermore, her boxing was mainly a counterattack.

Zichun Xu’s Chaotic Attacks Rewarded

And here is probably the point. A jury unfamiliar with high-level boxing was influenced by the attitude of Zichun Xu, anything but a champion but capable of always moving forward no matter what. Few clean shots but a lot of rhythm: it was enough to convince two judges out of three to take out the reigning world champion. Irma could certainly have done something more, given a more incisive imprint to the match, but she couldn’t distort herself by getting dragged into the brawl. She recited her script, it wasn’t enough to have the role as in many other circumstances.

Irma Testa: “I gave it my all, that’s how it went”

“The first match, you know, is the most difficult and serves to break the ice. I prepared very well but that’s how it went”, analyzed the number 1 of Italian women’s boxing. “I gave everything I had. I think I went into the ring in very good shape. I thought I had won the first round and in the second I pushed to bring home the result, as per the strategy agreed in the corner. My best boxing would have come out match after match”.

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– 2024-07-31 09:28:49

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