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Irish Minister for European Affairs: The creation of the EU is the culmination of the sovereignty of small countries

Ireland’s co-operation with Latvia is currently close and very important for Dublin.

He thanked Latvia for its support during the Brexit, so now Ireland is trying to pay more attention to issues that are topical for Latvia.

“I would especially like to thank the Latvian government and people for their solidarity in the Brexit process. This was very important to us. Ireland could rely on Latvia as a reliable partner, and we were happy to work on issues that were important to our countries, thus strengthening and deepening the relations between Ireland and Latvia, and this is very important to us, ”the Minister emphasized.

Although the issues on the Irish agenda are not the same as those on Latvia, it is very important that “we understand each other’s challenges,” said the Child.

“For example, Latvia had an excellent understanding of Brexit issues, while we try to maintain a very strong position against Belarus, not only in terms of human rights and humanitarian situation, but also in relation to security threats to neighboring countries. At the same time, we are trying very hard to maintain relations with Russia from the EU’s point of view. It must be said that Russia’s relations with the EU would not be very high in the Irish information space, however, after feeling so much solidarity with us during the Brexit, it is now our duty to pay more attention, for example, to issues that affect Latvia. And we are doing so both in the UN Security Council, of which Ireland is a member, and at the EU negotiating table, “said the Child.

He expressed the conviction that small countries must stick together “because we have our small interests”. “The creation of the EU is, in my view, the culmination of the sovereignty of small countries. As in your case, when you have Foreign Minister Edgar [Rinkēvičs], which is the second longest – serving foreign minister in the European Council of Ministers, gives Latvia authority. And with such personalities, our rights and the way we use our voices, we gain an authority that is used throughout Europe. I think it makes our voices much stronger, ”said the Child.

The Minister joked that when meeting with such experienced people as Rinkēvičs, it is important for him, with only a year of experience as a Minister, to “turn on the listening mode”.

This week, the Irish Minister of State for European Affairs, Thomas Thomas, had paid a working visit to Latvia. During the meeting, he met with Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs and Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zandas Kalniņš-Lukaševics.

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