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Iris Mittenaere feels “tapped” because of her iPad!

Iris Mittenaere shared a strange anecdote on Instagram. Indeed, the star discovered his iPad was bugged! We tell you everything!


Iris Mittenaere asked her fans for help on Instagram! Indeed, the bomb feels wiretapped because of his iPad. So she tried to find a trick to turn off her microphone. MCE TV tells you everything from A to Z!

Iris Mittenaere is one of the most popular French stars popular on the Web. Indeed, the former Miss is a hit on Instagram and always makes the buzz with her pictures.

Diego’s sweetheart has more than 2,6 millions of fans on his profile. And yet, the latter remains very close to her followers!

Indeed, Iris Mittenaere has a very strong bond with his fans. She exchanges with them on a daily basis and never hesitates to respond to their messages on social networks.

The It girl has also got into the habit of telling all her adventures via his story. Projects, vacations, couple life … the bomb has almost no secrets!

But beware ! The top does not just show the beautiful sides of her star life ! The bomb also tells about all its little galleys without tongue in cheek!

Yesterday, Iris Mittenaere also shared a strange anecdote to his fans. The star realized that his iPad was listening to him all the time!

The influence couldn’t do anything on their tablet without being tapped! What to worry about for his private life !

Iris Mittenaere gets spied on by her Ipad!

Iris Mittenaere refuses to be spied on by her iPad. Indeed, some applications use the microphone to try to learn more about the users.

So Diego’s sweetheart asked her fans for help to cut her micro. The top made a story call: “Folks, do you know how to stop my iPad from listening to me 24 hours a day on all apps? “.

Internet users did not hesitate a second before coming to the aid of the pretty brunette. Indeed, the top has received hundreds tips to try to protect his privacy.

After several tries, the former Miss Universe managed to overcome this huge bug. She therefore thanked her community for their responsiveness.

“I succeeded, thank you For your help. I muted everything + deactivated Siri but nothing changed, I switched off and on my ipad 3 times and poof! Faded away “.

Iris Mittenaere still suspects her iPad to be bugged. She laughs: “I’m bugged by the FBI, It’s certain ! “.

The star therefore prefers to laugh of this little mishap. And his internet users loved following his iPad problem live!

Like what, the sulphurous brunette can count on her community in any circumstance. The young woman always receives advice from her fans and learns a lot of things from them.

We therefore understand why the Miss can no longer spend social networks!