Home » today » Health » Iris Global adds pharmacogenetic coverage to its health insurance

Iris Global adds pharmacogenetic coverage to its health insurance

Global Iris offers its clients the coverage of pharmacogenica genetic analysis of the patient carried out in a specialized laboratory from a saliva sample that allows the treating physician adjust the treatment and dosage of medications.

This coverage is especially suitable for those insured persons diagnosed with breast, colon or rectal cancer, as well as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.

The pharmacogenetic study is not carried out systematically by Social Security, although the entity recognizes its usefulness, given that it anticipates the efficacy of a treatment or the toxicity of a drug. “In any case, our health personnel and our consultants are at the disposal of the patients’ doctors to inform them in depth and provide the scientific evidence they request,” he says. Susana de la Fuente Lumbrerasmedical officer of Iris Global.

“In the same way that when we make a suit, they take our measurements, studying our genetics before receiving pharmacological treatment is the most appropriate. Only then will the treatment be adjusted and we will ensure that both the drugs and the doses are the most appropriate.” given our needs and individual characteristics. It is, therefore, a service of great value for people, especially for those who have to undergo long-term treatments”, concludes de la Fuente Lumbreras.

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