Home » today » World » Irina Bokova: If a second candidate is nominated, it will be a gross political mistake – 2024-09-23 09:45:39

Irina Bokova: If a second candidate is nominated, it will be a gross political mistake – 2024-09-23 09:45:39

/ world today news/ Bulgaria’s candidate for UN Secretary General Irina Bokova sees no serious reason to withdraw from the race. After her sixth place in another informal vote in the Security Council, she described to “24 Chasa” the calls to give up as “unworthy”.

“My successful start did not please some circles in Bulgaria and outside Bulgaria, who saw that I had a chance to win and therefore a negative campaign was launched against me. I am, unfortunately, the only candidate against whom in his own country and a hysterical slander and slander campaign is being waged. All the while, of course, there was also the shadow of a second Bulgarian candidate, also something unknown and unseen in the history of such elections,” says Bokova.

According to her, the same circles that led the campaign tried to undermine her authority as Director General of UNESCO. “After being elected twice out of 180-190 countries. Probably the same thing would have happened in 2009 when I competed for UNESCO, but at that time very few people believed that I would succeed, and as if those people “dropped” me, and now they saw that I could succeed, and that’s why they hurried to catch up”, admits the Bulgarian candidate.

“This does not happen in any other country and with any of the other candidates. I would say that these are “touching” concerns from the same circles that have been conducting this hysterical campaign of slander against me for more than a year. I think that precisely that’s why they are trying to remove me with PR campaigns, with behind-the-scenes deals, with pressure on the prime minister,” says Bokova.

She does not see support from the Bulgarian state, admitting that the only support was to some extent from Rosen Plevneliev. Bokova adds: “If a second candidate emerges, it will be a gross political mistake. It will weaken not only my chances, but also the chances of the new candidate, and it will cost Bulgaria a loss and, what is more unfortunate, Bulgaria will wake up bewilderment about what he really wants to achieve.”

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