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Iraq improves mental and physical health of people

A recent study published by the Australian magazine “Bedding store Bed”, reported by the British Daily Mail newspaper, revealed other benefits of exercising, other than maintaining a healthy body and prolonging human life, as it highlighted the idea of ​​race and its important benefits for the body.

Gradually return to the gym in case of illness
The American women’s site «bustle» warned the woman not to go to the gym in the event of a health crisis, especially in the event of a fever or a high temperature, and he advised not to go until 48 hours after she recovered from the high temperature.
The site advised the woman to return to the exercises gradually, provided that she initially performed simple exercises and increased them gradually after that. In case of feeling tired, he could go to the gym one day and rest the next day, and so on.
She advised in the case of influenza virus infection, for example, pay attention to the heart rate before returning to the gym again, so it is advised to walk and practice yoga instead of running, with the gradual return to normal sports.

Heavy metal disposal
The study concluded that sweat has many benefits, the most important of which is the disposal of heavy metals, including arsenic, lead and mercury, by dissolving them through the sweat glands, and for this many people prefer to go to the “sauna”. With sweat, the skin has a great ability to remove toxic compounds, and the study advised, to achieve this goal to the fullest extent, by following a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water.

Clean the skin from toxins
Some believe that sweating is harmful to the skin, but according to the study it helps get rid of the unhealthy bacteria that lead to the appearance of pimples, and thus maintain the health and purity of the skin. The study recommends that women who exercise do not apply any cosmetic powders on the face during exercise, to ensure the disposal of toxins and bad bacteria, which leads to a great skin purification.

Natural antibiotic
Although the gym is full of harmful germs and microbes, sweat treats this, as the study revealed that a woman’s sweat has a natural antibiotic called “dermcidin”, it protects against harmful diseases, and if harmful germs try to enter the body, the sweat will prevent it .

Improve mood
The study said that it is a common occurrence after exercise to reduce stress levels and increase levels of happiness, due to the fact that race excretes “endorphins”, which raises positive feelings such as joy, contentment and joy.

Doing yoga to maintain ideal weight
The Canadian “the things” website has published a number of tips to maintain the ideal weight, among them practicing yoga exercises in a hot room with a temperature of more than 100 degrees, because it will burn more calories.
The site also advised to exercise, while maintaining a time lag between exercise and the exercise that follows, and eating healthy sweets that include coconut milk, almond flour, honey, lemon juice and coconut butter.
He advised those who want to maintain the ideal weight by exercising outdoors, as it helps to improve the general mood and psychological state, as well as burn more calories easily.

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