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Iran’s Only Nuclear Power Plant Suddenly Shuts Down, What’s Up?


TEHERAN – The only nuclear power plant (NPP) Iran , Bushehr, suddenly closed for three to four days. This is the first time since the nuclear power plant has been operating for ten years.

An official from the state electric energy company, Gholamali Rakhshanimehr, said the shutdown of the Bushehr nuclear power plant began on Saturday and would last for three to four days.

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He said that a blackout could happen. He didn’t go into details, but it was an emergency shutdown. “The factory was closed on Saturday for technical repairs that will continue for several days,” he was quoted as saying Russia Today, Monday (21/6/2021).

The Bushehr nuclear power plant began operating in 2011 with Russian assistance.

In March, nuclear official Mahmoud Jafari said the nuclear power plant could stop working because Iran was unable to get parts and equipment for it from Russia due to banking sanctions imposed by the US in 2018.

The shutdown of the Bushehr nuclear power plant came a year after an explosion destroyed Iran’s Natanz nuclear facility, where uranium enrichment took place.

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More recently, the former head of the Israeli Mossad; Yossi Cohen, hinted that his country was behind the explosion at the Natanz nuclear site in July 2020.

The Natanz nuclear facility was rocked by another explosion in April this year, with Iranian officials calling the incident an act of “sabotage”.


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