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Iranian Military Adviser Warns of Unrestrained Response to Enemy Aggression

Iran’s Military Adviser Warns Against Crossing Red Lines

Iran will not show restraint if “enemy aggression” crosses red lines, military adviser says

By CNN Staff

Published on April 15, 2024, 3:36 p.m. ET

Iraj Masjedi speaks at the Rafidain Forum in Baghdad, Iraq, in August 2021.

Haydar Karaalp/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Top Adviser to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Warns of Non-Restraint Policy

During a statement made on April 15, 2024, Iraj Masjedi, the top advisor to the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force commander, spoke about Iran’s military response to “enemy aggression.” According to Iranian state news agency IRNA, Masjedi emphasized that Iran will not hesitate to take action if its red lines are crossed. He stated, “The Islamic Republic does not seek war but will not show restraint in the face of enemy aggression against its red lines either.”

US-Israel Relations and Iranian Response

While the United States urged Iran to exercise restraint, Masjedi criticized the US for supporting the actions of the Israeli regime. He emphasized that Iran will provide a “stormy and unified response” to any acts of aggression. Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi, the Iranian Army Chief Commander, reinforced Iran’s determination to respond to hostile actions during his message commemorating National Army Day in Iran on the same day. According to Mousavi, the recent retaliatory attacks on Israel, known as Operation True Promise, were conducted in cooperation with the IRGC’s Aerospace Division, the Army, and the Defense Ministry. Mousavi also highlighted that Iran has been conducting joint military drills to enhance national security.

Effectiveness of Israel’s Missile Defense Systems

Referring to Israel’s air defense capabilities, Masjedi declared that the recent strike demonstrated the ineffectiveness of Israel’s air defense systems and the Iron Dome against Iranian missiles. However, recent reports by Israeli and American officials indicate that the majority of the more than 300 Iranian munitions launched during the attack on Israel were intercepted, underscoring the formidable missile defense deployed by the allied partners. The interception occurred before the munitions reached Israel, around 1,100 miles away from their launch points.


In conclusion, Iran’s top military adviser, Iraj Masjedi, has warned against crossing Iran’s red lines and reinforced that Iran will respond decisively to any aggression. As tensions continue to persist, the effectiveness of Israel’s missile defense systems and international concerns surrounding the situation remain key points of discussion.

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