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Iran Warns of Consequences as Israel Continues Bombing Gaza Strip

IranPresident Ebrahim Raisi said today,IsraelContinuous bombingGaza corridor(Gaza Strip), “may force everyone” to take action; this is the latest warning issued by Iran since the outbreak of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Agence France-Presse reports,Palestineislamist organizationHamas(Hamas) gunmen crossed the Gaza corridor into Israel on October 7 to launch a raid. According to Israeli officials, the attack killed more than 1,400 people, most of them civilians.

Israel subsequently launched retaliatory air strikes and artillery attacks on Gaza. The health department in the Gaza Strip released data stating that more than 8,000 people have been killed there, half of them children. A total of 2.4 million people live in this impoverished area governed by Hamas.

“The crimes of this Zionist regime have crossed a red line and may force everyone to take action,” Leahy posted on the social media platform X today.

“Washington asked us not to take any action, but they continue to give Israel broad support,” he said.

Leahy also said, “USAA message was sent to the Axis of Resistance, but a clear response has been received from the battlefield.”

The “Axis of Resistance” is a term often used by officials in Tehran to refer to Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, the Yemeni rebel Houthi, and Shiite armed forces in Iraq and Syria. Waiting for allies.

Although it is unclear what Leahy is referring to, since the conflict in Gaza broke out, U.S. troops stationed in Iraq and Syria have been attacked by a series of attacks, and the exchange of fire between Hezbollah and Israeli troops on the Lebanese border has become increasingly fierce.

The Iranian authorities, which provide financial and military assistance to Hamas, described the attack on the 7th as “successful” but insisted that they were not involved in the raid. The Israeli government stated that approximately 230 people were kidnapped by Hamas.

“Iran considers itself responsible for assisting these rebel groups, but these groups have their own independent ideas, decisions and actions,” Raisi said in an interview with Al Jazeera yesterday, according to excerpts published by the Iranian News Agency (IRNA).

He also said: “The United States is well aware of our current capabilities and knows that they cannot defeat us.”

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2023-10-29 12:32:06

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