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Iran: US has no right to refund sanctions against Iran page all

TEHERAN, KOMPAS.com – Minister of Foreign Affairs Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the United States ( AS) do not have the right to claim restoration penalty against Iran to PBB.

Launch Al Jazeera on Friday (21/8/2020), in a letter to the UN Security Council (UNSC), Zarif said the US had lost the right to press charges since 2018, when it withdrew from the deal. nuclear important between Iran and the great nations of the world.

Zarif also said Washington’s unilateral withdrawal violated a UN resolution requiring signature to avoid damaging the deal.

“It is clear that the US has no right to ‘reimpose the terms of a suspended resolution (sanctions)’ against Iran,” Zarif wrote.

“The Trump administration has never acted in good faith, an integral part of international relations,” Zarif said.

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“The Iranian people hope that the UN Security Council will hold the United States accountable for the irreparable harm incurred on the entire Iranian state, simply for reasons of personal greatness or domestic political interests,” he added.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday (20/8/2020) officially notified the United Nations that they demanded restoration of all UN sanctions against Iran, but allies and opponents said America’s move was illegal and bound to fail.

Pompeo insisted the United States had the legal right to “withdraw” UN sanctions, even though President Donald Trump withdrew from the historic 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six major powers backed by the UN Security Council.

He said UN sanctions would continue embargo weapons against Iran, which expire on October 18, as well as prohibiting ballistic missile testing, and nuclear enrichment that could lead to a nuclear weapons program.

The US push to withdraw international sanctions against Iran sparked a controversial row on Friday (21/8/2020), when the UN Security Council meets.

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US demands can be ignored by other UN members, but the council’s ability to enforce those legally binding decisions is questionable.

Zarif said the term “withdraw” was never mentioned in the agreement or in any UN resolution supporting the deal.

“The US has purposely applied the word to suggest speed and an automatic measure” of reversing sanctions, he said.

The Trump administration wants to reimpose all international sanctions that have been reduced under the nuclear deal.

Other countries claim the US is not in a position to make requests because the Trump administration pulled the US out of the nuclear deal.

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Under the agreement, Tehran received sanctions relief in exchange for curbing its nuclear program.

A “withdrawal” mechanism is created, if Tehran is proven to have violated the agreement.

The United States imposes unilateral sanctions on Iran and sends the country’s economy into free fall following its withdrawal from the deal.

Two planets

A Russian official has condemned U.S. efforts to re-impose sanctions on Iran.

“It looks like there are 2 planets. Which fictional planet, people can’t keep their word. The US pretends it can do whatever it wants without ‘cajoling’ anyone, breaking and leaving the deal, but still benefiting from it,” said Dmitry Polyansky.

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“And another where the rest of the world lives, where international law and diplomacy reigns,” continued Polyansky.

Three European countries, namely France, Germany and Britain, also rejected the “pull back” move and stressed their continued support for the nuclear agreement, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

“The US ceases to be a participant in the JCPOA following their withdrawal from the deal,” the three countries said in a statement.

“We therefore cannot support these (US) actions that are incompatible with our current efforts to support the JCPOA,” they explained.

The behavior of European allies has “disappointed” the US, Kelly Craft, the US ambassador to the United Nations, told a German newspaper.

“This is very disappointing,” Sueddeutsche Zeitung quoted Craft as saying in the German daily.

“This is very important, so we can’t wait until the arms embargo expires on October 18. We can’t wait for the world to realize on October 18 that China and Russia have the capability to deliver weapons and Iran buy to pass them on to militias and other terror groups around. a world controlled by Tehran. “

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