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Iran Up in Arms as Khamenei’s Favorite Cleric Criticizes Prophet Muhammad: CNN Indonesia

CNN Indonesia

Friday, 26 April 2024 10:21 IWST

Picture. Iranian flag. (iStock/Rainer Puster)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Public Iran dashed after a cleric, who likes Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khameneicriticism of the Prophet Muhammad.

Alireza Panahian reportedly made comments disparaging the Prophet Muhammad while speaking on a state television station. At that time, Panahian discussed the issue of “social jealousy”, in which he said that the Prophet Muhammad was “unpleasant” and that “he had no friends, either for himself or for Imam Ali.”

These comments quickly angered Iranians. Most people said that Panahian’s words were an insult to the Prophet.

“Is the Messenger of God disappointed? Is there anything more shameful than saying this to the Messenger of God?” said celebrity speaker Hossein Ansarian, as quoted The Middle East Eye (MEE), Thursday (25/4).

“We must speak openly. People who say that the Messenger of Allah is unpleasant should know that they have been miserable, it will not end well,” said the ultra-conservative preacher Mansour Arzi during a sermon broadcast live on state television.

Surprisingly, the live broadcast was stopped shortly after Arzi criticized Panahian.

Panahian’s statement which caused an uproar was not under the control of the ‘rulers’. In fact, in Iran, people who make statements insulting the Prophet Muhammad are usually imprisoned for up to five years.

After this case, Panahian finally clarified his comments by saying that he was raising what people said “jealously” about the Prophet Muhammad. He also apologized to the public.

However, Panahian’s apology was not enough to quell criticism of the Iranian government’s double standards. After making the controversial comments, Panahian was even seen holding a meeting with President Ebrahim Raisi.

“If we use this word, they will complain. But if people among them say that, they are just saying that they made a mistake,” said the independent cleric Hassan Aghamiri.

According to legal expert Mohsen Borhani, based on current judicial practice, Panahian’s statement is an insult and is punishable by one to five years in prison.

59 year old Panahian is Ali Khamenei’s favorite cleric. In 2009, he co-founded the Ammar Base think tank, a political religious group close to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Panahian is well known for his controversial views. In 2013, he called the 2009 protesters supporters of the militant group ISIS and said the instigators should be “punished by execution”.


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2024-04-26 03:21:06
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