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Iran Supreme Leader Claims Israel Defeated in War Against Hamas: CNN Indonesia

CNN Indonesia

Monday, 20 Nov 2023 00:36 IWST

According to Iran’s supreme leader, Israel suffered defeat because it needed to attack hospitals and people’s homes to destroy Hamas. (HO / Iranian Supreme Leader’s Website / AFP)

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

The supreme leader Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Sunday (19/11) Israel suffered ‘defeat’ in the war against the Iran-backed Palestinian militant group Hamas.

Israel has been pounding the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip since the country was attacked by militants on October 7, killing around 1,200 people, mostly civilians.

Meanwhile, the Hamas government claims that Israel’s retaliatory attacks have killed more than 12,300 people in the Gaza region, including 5 thousand children.

In his speech at the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ aerospace center in Teheren, Khamenei said ‘the defeat of the Zionist regime in Gaza is a fact’.

“Going forward and entering a hospital or people’s house is not a victory, because victory means defeating the other party,” he said, as reported AFP.

Khamenei accused Israel of ‘so far failing’ to achieve its goal of destroying Hamas ‘despite the massive bombardment of Gaza’.

“This inability reflects the inability of the United States and Western countries’ support for Israel.

Iran, which supports Hamas financially and militarily, hailed the October 7 attack as a ‘success’ but denied direct involvement.

Iran has made support for the Palestinian cause the centerpiece of its foreign policy since its Islamic revolution in 1979.

Khamenei said Israel had ‘killed thousands of children without any remorse’ because, as he claimed, ‘Zionists consider themselves a superior race’.

During Khamenei’s visit, the Revolutionary Guard’s aerospace force unveiled new defense systems and drones. Local media reported that he had inspected a drone named ‘Gaza’.

The force also launched the Fattah 2, the latest version of a hypersonic missile launched in June.

Khamenei urged Muslim countries that have official ties with Israel to sever those ties and stop trade.

“Some Islamic governments … have not condemned (Israel’s actions in Gaza), but this is unacceptable,” he said.


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2023-11-20 00:27:09
#Iran #Claims #Israel #Suffered #Defeat #Destroy #Hamas

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