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Iran reports more than a thousand new corona patients in one day NOW

The Iranian authorities report on Thursday that 1,075 people were tested positive for the corona virus in one day. The total number of infections in the country thus rises to 10,075. The death toll has also risen: from 354 to 429.

The number of contamination cases is increasing rapidly in Iran. Also on Wednesday, a large group of Iranians were tested positive for the virus. Then it concerned 958 persons. Iran has been hit hardest by the corona virus after China and Italy.

Iran is trying to stem the spread of the virus with various measures. The Iranian people are requested to stay at home and postpone unnecessary travel. Schools and universities are closed and many events are canceled.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s annual speech on March 20 is canceled. On that day he would speak on the occasion of the Iranian New Year. The spiritual leader says that doctors and nurses involved in fighting the virus and dying in it are “recognized as martyrs.”

President Hassan Rouhani calls on the people not to spread rumors about the COVID-19 virus to avoid panic. Only the Ministry of Health is allowed to share figures on new infections and deaths. Anyone who breaks this rule can be prosecuted for acting against national security.

Follow the latest developments around the virus in us live blog.

The coronavirus in short

  • The virus spreads mainly through cough and sneeze drops that hang in the air for a short time. Those who do not show any symptoms hardly pose a risk of infection.
  • An infected person infects two to three others on average. This number can decrease with good precautions.
  • The vast majority of patients have mild (flu-like) symptoms.
  • Almost all deaths concern older or already sick people. You can protect these people with precautionary measures.
  • Read here what the most important precautions are.

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