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Iran Condemns Trump’s “Reckless” Remarks on Nuclear Program

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  1. UN Documents for Iran – Security Council report

– ‌Selected Security Council Meeting Records:
‌ -‍ 19 December 2019 S/PV.8695: The Council held⁣ its semi-annual‌ briefing on the implementation of resolution ​2231,which endorsed the Joint Comprehensive ⁤Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear program.
‌ – 26 June 2019 S/PV.8564: This was ⁣the ⁤semi-annual briefing on the implementation of…

  1. Resolution 2231⁤ (2015) on Iran Nuclear Issue | Security Council Background

– Diplomatic ⁤efforts⁢ to reach a comprehensive, long-term and⁢ proper solution to the⁢ Iranian nuclear issue culminated ‌in⁤ the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) concluded on 14 July 2015 by ​China, France, germany,⁣ the Russian Federation, ⁢the United Kingdom, the United States, the High Representative‍ of the European Union (the E3/EU+3)⁢ and the Islamic ⁤Republic of Iran.
​ – Source

  1. UN⁢ documents for Iran: Security Council Resolutions

⁤​ – ‌Security ‌Council Resolutions:
​ -⁣ 17 August 2020⁢ S/2020/797: This ⁣was a ⁢US draft resolution that would extend the existing arms-related restrictions set to expire in ⁣October under resolution 2231 “until the Security Council decides otherwise”. The‍ draft failed to obtain the required number of‍ votes to be adopted.- 20 July…- Source

  1. Additional Context

‌- In a letter,​ Iranian President Hassan Rouhani condemned the⁣ policy‌ of “maximum pressure” ​that he ‌said “imposes unilateral and⁢ illegal sanctions and escalates hostility against Iran”, and Tehran insists that its nuclear programme is dedicated to peaceful purposes and ‌denies the existence of ⁣any intention to develop nuclear⁤ weapons. The Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had‍ considered, last Friday, that negotiations ​with‍ the United States would ​not solve the country’s problems.
– During⁤ his first ⁢presidential term,which ended in 2021,Trump ‌adopted the policy of “maximum pressure” on Iran,which is ⁣his recovery approach since his return to the White House. ⁤In May 2018, Trump withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement, ‌exploring a deal ⁢that was ⁢to reduce sanctions on Iran in exchange ‍for restrictions on its nuclear program. Tehran remained committed to⁢ the ⁣terms of the agreement for a year after Washington’s withdrawal, than began to be free from its commitment, and as then the efforts to revive the agreement have ⁤not been ⁤broken.
‌ –

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