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iPhone 15 Launch in Indonesia: Specifications, Features, and Design

Fajar.co.id — The iPhone 15 is one of the iPhone series whose official launch is much awaited, especially in Indonesia. The reason is that this iPhone has many specifications and features that have not been implemented in previous iPhone series. Here’s what you might expect from the iPhone 15 launch in Indonesia!

iPhone 15 Display Estimates

Talking about the appearance, of course it is very important for iPhone users to know the appearance of the iPhone 15 before buying it. Now you no longer need to fumble because there is an estimate for the appearance of the iPhone 15 which will represent at least 90 percent of the original appearance when the official release time arrives.

In terms of appearance, the iPhone 15 will stand out the most with its simple and minimalist size. You can see from the screen size which is only around 6.1 inches, making it fit more comfortably in your hand. Continuing to the design appearance of the iPhone 15, it still maintains its dynamic model and inherent elite impression in accordance with the previous iPhone that was released.

Reportedly, the iPhone 15 has eliminated the use of physical buttons with haptic power and volume buttons, but don’t worry because they have replaced them with a more modern model. For this type of iPhone 15, you have got it solid state which is easy to operate. For those of you who are not familiar, this model is similar to Home on the iPhone 7.

This button allows for reduced use of physical buttons and makes the phone look better slim. This quite massive development in terms of design has really given iPhone fans a breath of fresh air, especially users who have been waiting for it for a long time.

2023-10-11 12:24:04
#expect #launch #iPhone #Indonesia

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