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iPhone 15 Development Reveals Early Lightning Interface, But Company Will Go with USB-C Instead


▲ It was revealed that the iPhone 15 was not originally planned to be changed to USB-C. (Photo/photo by reporter Liao Jieyu)

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Reporter Chen Liying / Comprehensive report

According to the latest news from whistleblower Unknownz21, Apple first made a version of the Lightning interface early in the iPhone 15 development process. Unknownz21 said in a tweet that Apple tested the iPhone 15 with a Lightning port early on, but it was quickly abandoned in favor of the USB-C version.

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iPhone 15 models equipped with USB-C have been tested as early as January 2022, and all designs after March 2022 have focused on the USB-C interface.

Apple, which has been rumored for years to transition to USB-C on the iPhone, is expected to ditch the Lightning port on all four models launching this year. USB-C has been in the Mac lineup since 2015 and in iPads since 2018.

All iPads currently sold by Apple now come with USB-C, so the only iOS device still using Lightning is the iPhone. Apple plans to transition to USB-C for the iPhone due to European regulations requiring universal chargers for electronic devices.

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