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iPhone 13 Pro Max in endurance test. Ceramic glass continues to surprise

Last week, Apple started selling new iPhones, and even though the first batch began to disappear from the counters relatively quickly, one copy of the iPhone 13 Pro Max fell into the hands of youtuber Zack Nelson from the channel. JerryRigEverything. Needless to say, an unpleasant torture was waiting for the phone. How did he stand in it?

iPhone 13 Pro Max: the most durable smartphone today?

If we forget the iPhone 6 Plus and the bendgate affair, we must note that Apple can make very robust smartphones. The iPhone 13 Pro Max is a clear proof of this – the body is made of stainless steel, can withstand sinking to a depth of 6 meters and its display is covered with protective glass Ceramic Shield. A lot of rubberized durable phones can only dream about that.

As the test showed JerryRigEverything, it is Ceramic Shield that has visible competitive advantages. First of all, it is a bit more difficult to scratch them; Although it succumbs to contact with a material with a Mohs hardness of 6 and higher, the scratches are less visible than on competing tempered glass. It’s a wonder Apple uses “sapphire” glass for camera lenses, which actually provides the same durability, although it should actually be higher. But we already know this story.

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The ceramic display protection surprised once again in the test, in contact with direct fire. While with other displays, the color distortion of individual pixels is visible after a few seconds, with the iPhone 13 Pro Max, nothing happened to the display at all; only the oleophobic layer on the protective glass was damaged.

From the final phase of the test, consisting in an attempt to bend, the iPhone came out without losing the flower, the steel frame obviously withstands something. The iPhone 13 Pro Max is really an adept at one of the most durable common smartphones today.

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