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IPB Professor Calls RI a Bad Example of Handling COVID-19


Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB, Prof. Dr. Didin Damanhuri called Indonesia a bad example Corona virus treatment (COVID-19). There are several things that underlie his statement.

First, the government actually increases the infrastructure budget in the 2021 State Budget. The government allocates a budget for infrastructure development this year amounting to Rp 417.8 trillion. The budget increased by around 48% from IDR 281.1 trillion in 2020.

“And drastic reductions in health budgets, then also social assistance budgets,” he said in a webinar, Friday (9/7/2021).

Then even more terrible, he continued, the government was also tempted to brake and gas between health and the economy in the middle Corona virus treatment.

“So gaspol, all reopening, malls, even tourism, and then also major economic activities, including the debate on starting the construction of a new capital city,” he continued.

“In my opinion, the fate of a country with a large population with immature democracy in Indonesia has consequences, in which the governance is not solid, so it becomes a controversy between the center and the regions,” he explained.

Then, according to him, business people have pressured the government to open business activities as soon as possible.

“Because there is a superimpose thesis between health and the economy, it can be done at the same time, which in my opinion is somewhat contradictory to the experience of handling the crisis, which does not focus on the demand side,” said Didin.

The government is considered to be taking lightly in Corona virus treatment. Check on the next page.

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