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Iowa almost counted: Buttigieg sees Sanders come alongside

With almost all votes counted is the result of the Democratic primaries in the state of Iowa too close to call. Pete Buttigieg sees his opponent Bernie Sanders practically equal. With 97 percent counted it is 26.2 percent against 26.1 percent. Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Amy Klobuchar follow from a distance.

The final result is still waiting three days after the primaries. The delay was caused by technical problems with an app that should have communicated the results. When that didn’t work, volunteers from the party had to collect the votes.

The result in Iowa, traditionally the first state with primaries, is a boost for Buttigieg, and to a lesser extent Sanders. It can determine the dynamics for the states that follow. Tuesday is the pre-election in New Hampshire. Sanders leads the polls, with Buttigieg in second place.

Black voters

A good score in New Hampshire is crucial for Buttigieg, analysts say. The expectation is that the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, will score less in states with more black voters. These are Nevada and South Carolina, which are next after New Hampshire. Joe Biden, vice president under Barack Obama, hopes to score better there than in Iowa.

The Democratic National Convention, where the Democratic candidate is designated for the presidential elections in November, is in July. A lot may already be clear before that time. They are especially looking forward to Super Tuesday, on March 3, when a whole series of states are holding elections, including California and Texas.

The Republicans also hold primaries, but now it is almost certain that President Trump will be the candidate again.

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