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iOS 14: Photos zooms much more into images

iOS 14 offers a little more amplitude for the zoom action in the images of the Photos app. When you make the gesture of moving to zoom, there is a way to enter more in the image than for the same operation in iOS 13.

iOS 14 left, iOS 13 right
iOS 14 on the left, iOS 13 on the right. Maximum zoom in both cases

In this example, the house is still distant when we have reached the maximum zoom with iOS 13, while iOS 14 gives to see many more details (with a certain dose of large pixels, of course).

The maximum zoom level being quite low until iOS 13, you have to be tricky to get more. The quickest method is to open the image modification tools in Photo and choose the “Straighten” function. In this mode we can then zoom in beautiful proportions.

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