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iOS 14.2 is out. Will your iPhone get the update?

We also list what you need to know about iOS 14.2.

The last major update to the operating system for iPhones was of course iOS 14. However, development continues. Version iOS 14.2 therefore brings a number of smaller, but useful updates. We list them and let you know immediately whether you will receive the update.

iOS 14.2: This has been improved

With iOS 14, new functions came, such as the ‘picture-in-picture’ option. Widgets to set up the home screen and the digital car key to open and close your car with your iPhone. These functions have now been further optimized for even greater ease of use.

The control panel for AirPlay has also been changed and a number of bug fixes have been incorporated. Finally, you can also indulge your creativity even more. For example, with the update to iOS 14.2, there are new wallpapers and 117 emoji, such as emoji about marriage, household appliances and emoji about inclusivity.

iOS 14.2: This is new

In addition to these improvements, there are a number of new functions. The ‘People Detection’ we already discussed extensive. We also already had the new possibilities to integrate Shazam even better in a row put. However, there is another new function, the ‘intercom function’. This is especially suitable for use with a HomePod. You can send messages to and from the HomePod with this function.

This is how you get iOS 14.2 if your iPhone is eligible

Apple has kept the availability of iOS 14 at launch the same as the devices that could also install iOS 13. This means that you can get the latest update iOS 14.2 if you have an iPhone 6S or later model. In most cases, you can expect the update in the coming days, as the rollout of iOS 14.2 has started today. If you do not get the update automatically, it is wise to check which main version of iOS you have. If this is still iOS 12 or 13, you will first have to update to iOS 14. If iOS 14 is installed and you do not get an automatic installation, you can download the update manually via the settings of your iPhone. Good luck!

Source: Techradar

Image: Apple

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