Home » today » News » IOC with key news for male boxers. The truth – 2024-08-03 13:08:55

IOC with key news for male boxers. The truth – 2024-08-03 13:08:55

International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach presented key information about boxers Imane Helif from Algeria and Lin Yu-tin from Taiwan. The two athletes are at the center of a scandal that rocked the Olympics in Paris. Female boxers did not pass the gender test, and Heliffe’s fight with the Italian, which ended in 46 seconds with the Italian in tears, had the whole world jump against the female-male in the sport.

“We’re talking about women’s boxing, we have two competitors, both born women. They grew up as women and their passports say they’re women. There’s never been any doubt that they’re women, and today someone’s trying to change the definition of the word “woman,” commented Bach.

Both Heliffe and Lin competed in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, but did not win medals. The two were disqualified from last year’s World Championships after failing a gender identity test.

However, the president of the IOC considers the “harassment” of the two athletes who did not pass the gender identity test to be unacceptable.

Bach also commented that the “hate speech” directed at boxers Imane Helif and Lin Yu-tin at the Olympics was “completely unacceptable”.

“We will not participate in a politically motivated . . . culture war,” Bach said at a briefing.

The IOC wants to keep boxing on the program for the Los Angeles 2028 Games, the organization’s president said. In June 2023, the IOC session revoked the membership of the International Boxing Association (IBA), because the federation, deprived of the right to hold the Olympic qualifications in 2019, could not solve financial and management problems. The task of organizing and holding the Olympic boxing tournament at the Paris Games has been undertaken by the IOC.

“I can confirm that we would like to keep boxing in the Olympic program. As for the prospects, there will be if there is a reliable international federation, with a proper reputation and management, as well as financial transparency. And this is a question for the national federations, everything is in their hands. If they want their athletes to win medals, they have to do it,” said Thomas Bach.

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