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Ioan Mang is no longer head of PSD Bihor!

Two weeks after PSD President Marcel Ciolacu’s visit of just a few hours to Oradea, Ioan Mang was replaced as head of PSD Bihor. In his place, a president of the County Council was appointed, as an interim, who accompanied Ciolacu on his short visit to Oradea.

Also, the County Office controlled by Mang was dissolved, and another was formed, made up of mayors.

The change of Mang, after a long reign of 13 years, during which the Bihor branch of the PSD never managed to win the elections, was announced by him himself, through a post on Facebook, in which he showed that the decision of was taken in a meeting of the National Political Council.

Substitute “import”

“Regarding the Bihor organization, the decision was approved that the position of interim president will be occupied by our colleague Radu Moldovan, PSD vice-president, coordinator of the North-West zone and PSD president Bistrița Năsăud”, Mang said.

Moreover, together with him, as he also wrote, “the Permanent County Office was dissolved, and the PSD Bihor parliamentarians and mayors were initially co-opted into the County Permanent Office”.

Mang ended his post by saying that he hopes “that the whole team will work together to achieve the best results in all elections in 2024. God help!”.

We remind you that on January 14, in Oradea, for a meeting with the PSD Bihor mayors and MPs, the president of the party, Marcel Ciolacu, the general secretary Paul Stănescu and the president of the CJ Bistrița Năsăud, Radu Moldovan, who is also the coordinator of the county organizations in the northwest the country.

for “a few months”

Participants from the meeting two weeks ago with the president Marcel Ciolacu, the general secretary of the party, Paul Stănescu, and the vice-president Radu Moldovan declared BIHOREAN that the interim president would take over from Ioan Mang for “a few months”, until the organization “will be consolidated” and statutory elections will be called.

“The idea was that there would be a change from President Mang. An interim will be appointed, most likely from among the vice-presidents. A person will be appointed until things calm down and the organization is consolidated, and then, in a few months, the elections for the leadership of the organization will be held,” said a mayor.

He’s leaving… but he’d like a little more

Contact from Bihor to ask him how he explains the fact that an interim “import” was appointed from the center and not “a young and clean man”, as he said he wanted, Ioan Mang stated that “some people went with the idea that (no – Radu Moldovan, president of the CJ Bistrița Năsăud) will listen to them”.

The ex-president of the PSD Bihor also showed that the National Political Council did not determine how long Moldovan’s term would last, saying that “there is no urgency” in organizing branch elections and, more importantly, that they will take place only after all the candidates for the mayor’s offices, including the Oradea City Hall, and the Bihor County Council will be appointed, as these candidates will also lead the local organizations, respectively the county branch: “The elections in the organization will be after we have the candidates for the mayor’s offices, including in Oradea and at CJ Bihor, because we are asking the candidate for the mayor’s office to also be the president of the local organization”.

Regarding the sensation with which he leaves the foreground of local politics, Mang stated that “after 13 years (no – at the head of the branch) it was okay to leave, but I didn’t like the way some colleagues behaved”, he alludes to the group around the mayor of Sânmartin, Cristian Laza, who has been asking him to resign since last year.

Also, Mang said that he wants to run for Deputy in 2024, even if not from the position of PSD Bihor president. “If I work properly in the Parliament until then, I think I deserve another candidacy, but that will be decided by the organization and the central leadership, after all, the lists (no – of candidates) they are signed by the leadership at the national level”, he said, stating that, moreover, this discussion was held with the heads of the party.

“A new story of PSD Bihor”

It’s his turn to be questioned by Bihor, the mayor of Sânmartin commune, the only one who contracted with Ioan Mang asking him to leave the head of the organization, says that the change now was absolutely necessary, due to the lack of performance. “I think that the change of Mr. Mang and the dissolution of the County Office are a natural measure of the party’s central leadership, given the poor results from the last elections”, stated Cristian Laza, adding that the role of the interim leadership is “the reconstruction from the ground up of the organizations, from the local level to the county level” and then the organization of branch elections.

Like Mang, Laza says that the future president of the Bihor PSD must run for either the Oradea City Hall or the County Council, so the internal elections must be linked to the nomination of candidates for the 2024 local elections: “It seems to me it is natural that the candidate for the presidency of the county organization should also assume an administrative candidacy, or at the City Hall, or at the County Council. It is obvious that he has to run, I would never agree with a candidate who only climbs to a position in Parliament”.

However, the mayor of Sânmartin also added that the recent former president of the organization, Ioan Mang, must also contribute to the “reconstruction from the ground up”, on the grounds that he has “political experience”: “I think it’s time for all of us to close ranks, including Mr. Mang to put his political experience to build a new story of PSD Bihor. There is no solution for him to leave the party, I think his experience will help us, he should not be removed from the party, he is our representative in the Parliament and I think that his lordship’s advice can help us”.

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