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Inzaghi’s quiet strength: Inter’s added value

The derby won summarizes the merits of the work of the Nerazzurri coach who can still chase two titles

One night of party, the thought of the Italian Cup final on 11 Maythe head from today immediately to Rome. The derby won gives strength, that’s for sure. The derby won must not divert attention from what awaits theInter. If, how and how much the 3-0 trimmed against Milan will be the driving force in the championship sprint will be understood in retrospect, Inter will start again now thinking about Saturday mouriniano looming on the horizon. Yes, Mourinho, the coach who brings to mind the Nerazzurri fans the epic of the Triplete. At Inzaghi, nowadays, another hat-trick may come out, obviously in a minor tone, but still a hat-trick: everything is possible, ecstasy or crash will inevitably go hand in hand in the next month, but it is a fact that in his first Inter season Simone can fight, and only he can, for the mini-treble championship, the Italian Cup and the Super Cup (already on the bulletin board).

And then one wonders if the value added of this Inter is not really “the quiet force” of a technician who has collected a very heavy inheritance, calmly and firmly crossed the summer storms and forged a serious, compact, organized and sharp team. Leader of a group capable of coming out alive from the short but terrible Nerazzurri winter and regaining control of their own destiny, always remaining faithful to their beliefs. Without distorting oneself, but correcting errors. No drama at the hardest moment, which coincided precisely with the first leg of the Coppa Italia when everything seemed to be in ruins, no hyperbole now that the path seems to have been redrawn. The choices made by Inzaghi paid off. He has always supported and trusted Lautarohe leaned on the broad shoulders of Dzeko, he waited for the very useful Correa, he dosed the minutes of Sanchez. So much for the attack. He has found the perfect alchemy between Brozovic, Barella and Calhanoglu without, however, depriving himself of the contribution of Vidal who in key matches of the season did not miss his experience. He built a team devoted to scoring (best attack in Serie A) without losing solidity in defense, the least perforated in the league. He finally alternated his external him (especially on the right) with Dumfries (built as a player day after day) e Darmian, awaiting the growth of Gosens as an alternative to the phenomenal Perisic on the left. In short, his imprint is certain and clear and the derby won last night is a small sum of his season. And now, with that calm strength, Inter is still proceeding: everything is at stake, everything is possible.

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