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Invitation to the book presentation “The Return of Terror”

Experience an extraordinary evening full of profound insights into the current challenges of our time. On September 19 at 6 p.m., the Kleine Zeitung invites you to the exclusive book presentation of “The Return of Terror”, the latest work by renowned terrorism expert Peter R. Neumann. Jihadist terror is back. Since the devastating Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, a new violent movement has been mobilizing around the world that could spread alarmingly quickly in Western societies. There have already been more attempted attacks in Europe than in the entire previous year. Peter R. Neumann, one of the world’s leading terrorism experts, sees clear warning signs of an increasing jihadist threat, possibly even stronger than a decade ago. Neumann’s concise analysis shows how jihadism has developed since September 11, 2001, and what new dangers could be coming to Germany and Europe. He explains what security authorities and politicians must do to adequately counter this threat and the potential social conflicts. The evening will be moderated by Nina Koren, head of the foreign policy and international affairs department at the Kleine Zeitung.

Register now for the book presentation!

Deadline: 19 September, 6 p.m.

Wo: Skyroom in the Styria Media Center, Gadollaplatz 1, 8010 Graz

Peter R. Neumann: “The return of terror. How jihadism challenges us” (published on September 17th by Rowohlt Berlin Verlag).

Danger: The number of participants is limited. You will receive written confirmation of your participation.

The Return of Terror by Peter R. Neumann © KK

Closing date for entries: 8 September 2024

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