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Investments in education, modern infrastructure and climate protection – Primavera24

One year after District Administrator Dr. Alexander Legler draws the CSU district parliamentary group a positive balance of the joint work. With its applications and initiatives, the CSU in the Aschaffenburg district has made extensive investments in education and modern infrastructure, especially in the areas of digitization and mobility. Group chairman Dr. Marco Schmitt praised the good cooperation with District Administrator Dr. Alexander Legler and described him as “close to the citizen, energetic and sustainable”. He continued the successful work of his predecessor, but at the same time set his own accents, especially in environmental and climate protection. During their most recent digital meeting, the district councils of the CSU looked back on the past year:

The digital education initiative initiated by the CSU district parliamentary group was continued with the concept proposed by the district administrator for the nationwide introduction of iPad classes at schools in the Aschaffenburg district. Uniform and, at the same time, high-quality equipment for the students as part of a coherent media-educational concept creates optimal digital learning conditions, strengthens media skills and ensures equal opportunities. Municipalities that are responsible for material expenses for elementary and secondary schools are also given the opportunity to participate in the digital educational concept.
At the request of the CSU, around 5 million euros have been made available for digital education since the 2018 budget year. This created optimal framework conditions. The district of Aschaffenburg is thus a pioneer in Bavaria.

Public transport (bus and train)
In order to make local public transport more attractive, the timetable has been improved. The CSU district parliamentary group has also applied for the introduction of further express bus routes, especially for communities in the Spessart. In the district office, the district administrator has appointed a mobility officer who links all mobility issues with one another. In addition, high standards for tenders for transport services should ensure more quality in the future. The CSU also sees a strengthening of local public transport in the establishment of the local transport company AMINIA, as well as in the establishment of on-call buses, which are to be tested, and in the introduction of a best-price model for ticket purchases, for which the practical test is currently underway in the city of Aschaffenburg.

As a future project, the CSU would like the reactivation of the Bachgaubahn. In addition, she would like to work even more closely with the RMV, an expansion of the on-axis ticket and an acceleration and connection of the Kahlgrundbahn to Frankfurt with additional cycles during rush hour. The budget for local public transport in 2021 was almost doubled compared to the previous year and now amounts to 4.37 million euros.

Bicycle traffic
At the request of the CSU, the funding for cycling lanes was increased. In addition, the funding for the municipalities was also expanded to include preliminary investigations and feasibility studies. Further cycle paths will be created in the district and the feasibility of cycle superhighways and a new crossing over the Main between Mainaschaff and Stockstadt will be examined.

Sustainable district (environment and climate protection)
On the initiative of the district administrator, the district has set out to become a “climate-neutral district”. In addition, the integrated energy and climate protection concept will be updated. The district of Aschaffenburg proves as a Fairtrade region, as well as in the framework of the funding project for “Regional Identity” and with a number of other ecological projects such as “The district buzzes” that sustainable regional development has priority. The CSU district parliamentary group has now applied for the Aschaffenburg district to also become a state-recognized eco-model region. In eco model regions, municipalities, farmers, processors, marketers and consumers work together to strengthen organic farming in the region and to further develop regional marketing.

Health and care
At the request of the CSU district parliamentary group, the district of Aschaffenburg took part in the “Health Region Plus” concept of the Bavarian state government. The aim is to improve medical care and health care in the region and to increase the health-related quality of life. In addition, the district of Aschaffenburg offers a care support point, the purpose of which is to be a neutral contact person close to home for all questions relating to care.

The CSU parliamentary group also welcomes the restructuring of the district office by the district administrator as part of the “# LRA21” campaign. As a result of this and digitalization, workflows are further optimized and the processing of citizens’ concerns accelerated. This is intended to achieve higher customer satisfaction, but at the same time also greater satisfaction for the employees of the district office

The district of Aschaffenburg reacted quickly to the risks of the corona pandemic. At the initiative of the district administrator, rapid tests were offered at an early stage and a rapid test bus was deployed in the district. The CSU parliamentary group has always advocated reducing the risk of infection wherever possible, especially among our students. This applies to the way to school with the use of additional buses, but also to the classrooms, where CO2 traffic lights were used. In addition, the CSU district parliamentary group has applied for virus filters to be purchased for all classrooms in the district schools. This is a long-term investment to protect the health of our students and teachers in our schools.

Associations and associations

At the request of the CSU parliamentary group, the support for the youth work of the clubs was increased last year. Clubs are particularly suffering from the corona pandemic. You have to observe additional hygiene requirements and at the same time have considerable losses due to the elimination of parties and events. It was right to send a sign of recognition and solidarity by increasing youth support.

Constructive cooperation in the district council
Group chairman Dr. Marco Schmitt described the atmosphere in the newly elected district council as pleasant, businesslike and collegial. In particular, he thanked the SPD parliamentary group for the constructive and trusting cooperation within the joint coalition.

Thanks to Landrat Dr. Legler
Together with District Administrator Legler, according to the parliamentary group chairman, the CSU wants to continue developing the district in a far-sighted and sustainable manner. “I am pleased that our district administrator is courageously tackling these difficult times and has always achieved a lot of consensus across all parties. That’s a good thing, because it’s about our region, ”said CSU district chairman Andrea Lindholz.

There was also praise from the Bavarian digital minister Judith Gerlach: “Driving forward the digitization of schools and administration is not only high on the agenda of the CSU district parliamentary group and our district administrator, but is being tackled by us courageously. In the first year we took important steps in this direction, such as a larger range of digital administration services and tablets for schoolchildren, and we will continue to push this topic forward strongly in the future. “

The picture shows (from left) CSU parliamentary group leader Dr. Marco Schmitt, District Administrator Dr. Alexander Legler and district chairwoman Andrea Lindholz, Member of the Bundestag.

Source: Press release of the CSU district parliamentary group in Aschaffenburg

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