Home » today » News » Investiture of Sánchez: Pedro Sánchez strengthens the investiture with the ‘yes’ of BNG and the abstention of the Canary Coalition | Politics

Investiture of Sánchez: Pedro Sánchez strengthens the investiture with the ‘yes’ of BNG and the abstention of the Canary Coalition | Politics

The BNG has cleared the way for Pedro Sánchez’s inauguration after announcing that he will vote ‘yes’ in the second vote, scheduled for Tuesday’s session. The BNG decision ensures the investiture of Pedro Sánchez because, whatever the Canary Coalition does, you have guaranteed at least 166 yes against a maximum of 165 no. A tight majority, but sufficient.

At the end of the BNG management meeting, the national spokesperson, Ana Pontón, explained that they are still “negotiating” and that the agreement with the PSOE is still “to be outlined.” Pontoon has assured that they maintain their “disposition to dialogue and collaboration” but to have their support, the PSOE has to contract “concrete commitments” because there are “many expectations placed at the moment and Galicia has to be present”.

Canary Coercion, in any case, plans to announce the meaning of their vote this afternoon. It will do so after the meeting of its national political council, which started at 5:00 pm at the party headquarters in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Its general secretary, José Miguel Barragán, will report on the decision starting at 7:30 p.m.

So are the accounts

  • Yes: 120 PSOE + 35 United We Can + 6 PNV + 2 More Country-Equo + 1 Commitments +1 Teruel Exists + 1 Nueva Canarias + 1 BNG = 167.
  • Noes: 88 PP + 52 Vox + 10 Citizens + 8 Junts per Catalunya + 2 CUP + 2 UPN + 1 Asturias Forum + 1 PRC = 165.
  • Abstentions: 13 ERC + 5 EH Bildu = 19.

The National Executive Committee of the Canary Coalition has decided to abstain in the investiture session of the socialist Pedro Sánchez. With this vote of the nationalist deputy, Ana Oramas, it will serve for Sánchez to be invested on Tuesday, January 7, where he will only need more yeses than noes.

The full investiture of the socialist candidate will begin on Saturday at nine in the morning and the forecast is that the first vote takes place at noon on Sunday, January 5, Eve of Kings. The second vote has been set for January 7, Tuesday, in the event that, as expected, Sánchez does not achieve an absolute majority on the first attempt, set at 176 votes.

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