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Investing in a car park: very profitable real estate

Who has not hoped, one day, to invest their funds in real estate? However, we do not have all the means to invest in the purchase of an apartment. Also, with a modest initial outlay, low maintenance costs, parking real estate allows newbies and modest budgets to get into real estate and make a real profit from it. What is it really and what advice can we give you?


The investment in a parking lot or real estate very profitable istock-peopleimages

Mini price – maximum efficiency

With the parking crisis in city centers and the increase in private vehicles, investing in car parks has become a good plan. It allows, first of all, to diversify its heritage and turns out to be, also, an island of prosperity. Indeed, its rate of return is higher than that of a home and it can reach 9% of net profitability in some cities. With an average acquisition price of € 23,885, this type of property has seen its rent increase by 3.6% per year between 2019 and 2020. The investment therefore quickly pays for itself. At the top of the ranking, we find Strasbourg with a rate of return of 8.9%, Saint Denis with 5.4% and Rouen with 5.1%. As demand has increased by 26.3% over one year, supply is collapsing and it is easier to find a tenant. Scarcity is a guarantee of profitability. At the back of the pack are Bordeaux and Nantes with a rate of return of 2.7% as well as Angers with a rate of 2.6%. The Se loger site carried out a study of the average selling prices of car parks and boxes with an area of ​​between 8m2 and 15m2 and established their net profitability. It emerges that once the charges have been deducted (condominium fees, property tax and, sometimes, credit to the bank), the rate of return is very interesting, especially in cities where the purchase cost per m2 is not high. Still at the top of the ranking with a price of 686 € / m2, we find Strasbourg followed by Saint Denis with a price of 1318 € / m2. There is, of course, a correlation between purchase price and profitability! In the cities at the back of the pack, we note that the increase in acquisition prices is greater than the evolution of rents.

Choosing the right location

Like any real estate purchase, the location and quality of the property should not be neglected. Before embarking, it is advisable to carry out an on-site study in order to verify the relevance of the operation. Location is of real importance and a property purchased near free parking is unlikely to be profitable! It is therefore necessary to privilege zones with tension where parking is a real sinecure. The geographical criterion is essential when we know that some large cities offer less and less parking spaces. To this location criterion is also added a quality criterion. The ideal is to invest in a covered car park or a box because the private individual certainly seeks to park, but also to protect his vehicle from theft or damage. Also, if this type of investment is, like all real estate, taxed and taxable on income, it nonetheless remains a real source of profit for those who know how to buy well. He still has a bright future ahead of him and has all the assets to attract potential investors.

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