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Investigation Underway on Polemic at Al-Olive Islamic Boarding School


Bareskrim Polri is still studying reports related to the polemic at Islamic boarding schools Al-Olive, River of Indra. A number of witnesses have been examined in relation to the case which is currently of public concern.

“We have examined the reporters, several experts. Then from the MUI, the Ministry of Religion,” said the Director of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro told reporters at SUGBK, Saturday (1/7/2023).

Djuhandhani said that he had not yet conducted an examination of the Al-Zaytun Panji Gumilang Islamic Boarding School leadership, who was the reported party in the case. However, he confirmed that he had sent a summons for examination against Panji.

“We summoned the plan concerned yesterday to attend on Monday, we invite clarification. That’s all temporary,” he said.

“Not yet, not yet (there is clarification). Only invitations have been sent,” he continued.

According to Djuhandhani, his party has moved quickly to investigate the incoming reports. Only, he said, this week was cut by the long Eid al-Adha 2023 holiday.

“This is already fast, yes, we will call, the LP will enter on Tuesday. Tuesday we will start publishing it, then Tuesday we will start examining all the witnesses, we invited them yesterday, we invited them to attend on Monday. Because from Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday is our day off. It’s impossible for us Call on holidays,” he explained.

It is known that there were two police reports (LP) against Panji Gumilang. The first report was filed by the Pancasila Defender Advocate Forum (FAPP). The DPP FAPP report is registered with the number: LP/B/163/VI/2023/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI.

Then the second report was made by NII Crisis Center Founder Ken Setiawan. Report registered with number LP/B/169/VI/2023/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI dated 27 June 2023.

In the two reports, Panji was accused of violating Article 156 A of the Criminal Code on Blasphemy of Religion.

Djuhandhani said that now the two reports had been put together to be investigated.

“Everyone, we make one LP,” he concluded.


2023-07-01 14:43:21

#National #Police #Examined #MUI #Ministry #Religion #AlZaytun #Islamic #Boarding #School #Polemic

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