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Investigation Results Released: Celebrity Suicide in South Jakarta – Police Question Witnesses


The information in this article is not intended to encourage anyone to take similar actions. If you feel symptoms of depression and you are likely to think about suicide, immediately discuss your problem with parties who can help, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or mental health clinic.

The police released the results of the investigation into the death of a celebrity with the initials MJ in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta (Jaksel), who was suspected commit suicide. The police have questioned several witnesses for questioning.

“So since the incident on the 14th yesterday which was suspected to be a suicide, currently the Kebayoran Lama Police have been trying to investigate so we have asked how number of people who provide information, from and among local residents and the victim’s family. those who are thought to be close friends, we have all requested information,” said the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit for Kebayoran Lama Police, AKP Surwarno in his office, Wednesday (17/4/2024).

Police said, based on witness statements, that the victim killed himself. So he did not find any incriminating elements against these witnesses.

“So far, the results of the investigation have not found elements of a criminal act committed by someone else. So from the results of the investigation we have found that the hanging was done solely by the victim,” he said.

“Based on the witness statements, how many times has the victim tried to do this and that the victim is likely to have tried to hurt or harm the victim,” he continued.

In addition, his party will continue to investigate several witnesses, including MC’s girlfriend, regarding MJ’s death.

“Yes, we will investigate all available information, we will make sure we find the information regarding what the facts are,” he concluded.


2024-04-17 16:25:37

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