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Investigation into the murder of Sharon Verzeni: suspicions and theories

Mario Ruocco, Sergio’s father, was also arrested by the Carabinieri in connection with the murder of Sharon Verzeni questioned, the partner of his son and 33-year-old barista, who was killed with four stab wounds in Terno d’Isola (Bergamo) on the night of 29-30 July, shortly before 1 a.m.

“We are clean people, both me and my son,” he assures. And he stresses: “Sharon was great and so was Sergio.”

“They loved each other, they wanted a child”

Ruocco, interviewed by the newspaper Il Giorno, tells how things were between his son and Sharon: “They got on brilliantly. Sergio had found his soul mate. They were preparing to have a child. ‘So, are you going to make me a grandfather?’ I asked. ‘Ask Sergio,’ she answered me. Sergio’s only problem was the mortgage. He lived with me until he moved to Terno d’Isola with Sharon three years ago. I helped them to prepare the apartment, I’m a tiler. Sharon’s father also helped.”

The interrogation

“We were interrogated separately, me in one room and Sergio in another,” says the 68-year-old. “They asked me about my life, the marriage, the time as a married man, the divorce, the three children, Sergio, Sharon, the friendships they had. The Carabinieri do their job, but all those hours were stressful. When we came out, there were journalists outside, lights, headlights, someone was trying to follow our car as we drove away. I waved to them. Sergio has now returned to Bottanuco, to Sharon’s parents.”

The theory of rejection

Mario Ruocco categorically rules out that his son had anything to do with it and has a theory: “In a bar, lots of people come in, all kinds of people. My hypothesis is that someone was harassing Sharon, making advances to her. She refused. The person was watching her while she was unaware, perhaps he followed her from the bar in Brembate where she worked to Terno d’Isola and got back at her. At least that’s the idea I had, just a hypothesis. A car screeched, perhaps it was the murderer.”

The truth from the cell phone: Did Sharon have a meeting?

One of the investigative approaches that could confirm Ruocco’s hypothesis is the examination of Sharon Verzeni’s cell phone: in the 50 minutes that she was walking before her death, her cell phone generated data traffic. It is still unclear whether these were calls or messages, but the information could help us to understand more. Did Sharon receive a request for a meeting from her murderer? Was she set up for a trap? Only the results of the investigation will be able to solve this mystery.


All the leads in the investigation into the murder remain open: one of them, at least according to some rumors, leads to Scientology. The priest of Terno d’Isola, interviewed by Adnkronos, does not seem convinced by this hypothesis: “Sharon was preparing for a course for the church wedding and seemed very convinced of this decision: I don’t know if she attended a Scientology course, how to do yoga without being a Buddhist. To me she seemed of Christian faith and convinced of the choice of a Catholic wedding.” According to the priest, the two engaged couples showed no signs of quarrels or misunderstandings, at least during the wedding preparation course: “They were a somewhat reserved but harmonious couple. They did not yet have a fixed date for the wedding, but that is true for half of the couples who attend the meetings.”

The tests

The investigation into the murder of Sharon Verzeni, the 33-year-old woman killed with four stab wounds in Terno d’Isola on the night of Monday 29 to Tuesday 30 July, is moving in different directions. On the one hand, the Carabinieri of the ROS are analyzing the ‘forensic copy’ of the victim’s cell phone to find possible hidden chats or messages that could point to a particular lead. On the other hand, the RIS investigators are continuing their investigations on some genetic profiles taken in recent days in the area of ​​the crime – Via Castegnate in Terno d’Isola – to compare them with the DNA traces possibly found on the clothes and samples taken from Sharon’s body during the autopsy. The Carabinieri have summoned a few dozen people to test their DNA, including first responders, residents of the crime scene or people who were in the area on the night of the murder. To date, the investigators – the Carabinieri of Bergamo, coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Emanuele Marchisio – have not commented and are very reticent about the case: it is unclear whether Sharon was killed by an unknown person – a thesis supported by the victim’s apparently flawless life – or by someone who knew her and wanted to hit her specifically – a thesis supported by the depth of the killer’s stab wounds – since there are no essential elements to support one hypothesis or the other.

The investigators: “Silent telephone”

“I am not aware of any calls or WhatsApp messages” when Sharon Verzeni left home around midnight on July 30 and was found dead from via Marelli – behind her the semi-detached house where she lived with her partner Sergio Ruocco – and an hour later in via Castegnate. This is explained by an investigator investigating the murder of the young woman killed with four stab wounds, three in the back and one in the flank, and who tried in vain to call for help before collapsing on the asphalt. Clothes, evidence from the crime scene, personal belongings of the victim, but also some knives seized nearby are now being examined by the RIS in Parma, but the Carabinieri seem to be betting more on the surveillance cameras – 60 in the area – than on the telephone trace. “At first glance, the cameras did not allow us to immediately identify the killer, but it will take weeks, probably months, to complete the investigation”, which does not exclude any lead. What seems clear is that Sharon Verzeni “traveled about 650 meters as the crow flies that evening, as Google Maps shows, and we have no evidence that she stopped – adds the investigator working on the case. – She was walking”, which rules out the possibility that she met anyone with whom she had a conversation. The investigation does not stop at the witnesses either: “We will continue to question people who could help us explain the victim’s habits or who may have seen something that evening”.

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