Home » News » Investigation into Allegations of Irregularities Surrounding Appointment of LIVA Artistic Director Dietmar Kerschbaum

Investigation into Allegations of Irregularities Surrounding Appointment of LIVA Artistic Director Dietmar Kerschbaum

As the weekly newspaper “Falter” reports in tomorrow’s edition, the appointment of Dietmar Kerschbaum as artistic director is said to have been “postponed”. Kerschbaum had already received the documents before his hearing. A whistleblower anonymously forwarded this to LIVA in November 2023. He assured a “complete clarification” in a broadcast today.

LINZ. “Immediately after receiving the whistleblower report, I commissioned a legal opinion from a reputable law firm. The lawyers examined the question of whether criminal behavior was committed and whether there is a need for action by the chairman of the supervisory board from a corporate law perspective,” said Mayor Klaus Luger (SPÖ) in a written press release today. The report is to be presented to the LIVA supervisory board on Friday As the “Falter” reports in tomorrow’s edition in an article entitled “The Spendthrift”, there are said to have been irregularities in the appointment of Dietmar Kerschbaum as artistic director of LIVA in 2017. The report also reveals other “questionable transactions ” and the awarding of contracts by Kerschbaum.

Allegation: Documents received before hearing

The specific accusation: Kerschbaum is said to have received documents before the official hearing. An anonymous whistleblower reported this to LIVA in November. On November 30, 2023, Luger, as chairman of the LIVA supervisory board, received this anonymous report and confronted the artistic director Dietmar Kerschbaum with it. The further consequences will be discussed in detail at the supervisory meeting next Friday. In the broadcast, Luger assured “complete clarification”.

Kerschbaum: “Conclusions drawn not applicable”

Kerschbaum contacted us yesterday around 11 p.m. with a written statement. “The conclusions drawn by “Falter” on the points presented in the article are not correct. As already published in a press release on the city of Linz’s homepage, a meeting of the LIVA supervisory board will take place next Friday in which all allegations will be discussed. This is entirely in my spirit so that the allegations made are corrected,” said Kerschbaum. A further statement will follow after the supervisory board meeting on Friday.

Neos: “Kerschbaum is no longer wearable”

Kerschbaum had already come under criticism in the past. The last inspection office report did not reflect well on the Brucknerhaus. “Kerschbaum is no longer viable. The evidence presented by the butterfly is overwhelming. And I’m sure if you look, you’ll find more. I would start with the sponsorship contracts that Mr. Kerschbaum negotiated,” said the Linz Neos parliamentary group leader Georg Redlhammer in a broadcast. As early as 2023, he sharply criticized the Brucknerhaus director.

“The Brucknerhaus is the problem child”

2024-03-13 01:17:45
#Order #pushed #allegations #Brucknerhaus #director #Dietmar #Kerschbaum

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