Jakarta –
The Financial Services Authority (OJK) revealed a viral case of a customer suspected of committing suicide fintech peer-to-peer (P2P) lending Ada Kami still being investigated. The online loan service provider (pinjol) was summoned in September 2023.
Chief Executive for Supervision of Financing Institutions, Venture Capital Companies, Microfinance Institutions and Other Financial Services Institutions OJK, Agusman said that his party ordered AdaKami to carry out an in-depth investigation regarding the suicide victim.
“OJK asked AdaKami to report all the results of the investigation and follow-up carried out by AdaKami in order to resolve this case,” he said at a press conference for the OJK Board of Commissioners Meeting, Monday (9/10/2023).
If violations are found from the results of the inspection, Agusman said that his party would not hesitate to impose sanctions. Besides that, Ada Kami also asked to provide hotline to receive user complaints.
“OJK has imposed sanctions in the form of a warning letter to AdaKami for violations committed regarding unethical billing,” he said.
On the other hand, OJK also asked the Indonesian Joint Funding Fintech Association (AFPI) to review the suitability of charging interest and administration fees in accordance with the applicable code of ethics.
Last week, AFPI said that the OJK and its party had agreed to set a maximum loan interest of 0.4% per day. The amount of loan interest is determined Ada Kami said to be appropriate.
Not only AdaKami, during September 2023 OJK has imposed administrative sanctions on 36 finance companies, 20 venture capital companies and 14 P2P organizers for violations.
“In finance companies and venture capital companies, the imposition of administrative sanctions consists of 1 sanction for limiting business activities, 23 fines, and 43 written warnings or warnings and 6 letters of guidance. In P2P fintech, it consists of 22 written warning sanctions and 1 written warning along with fines,” explained Agusman.
2023-10-09 09:48:31
#Viral #People #Suspected #Suicide #Due #Debt #AdaKami #Received #Sanction #OJK