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investigation into 6 million euros wasted

The Financial Police has reconstructed the squandering of 6 million of public funds; invitation to deduct for directors and employees of Sma Campania Spa.

An invitation to deduce was notified to 9 administrators, managers and employees of Sma Campania Spa, the in-house company of the Region which deals, among other things, with fire prevention, environmental remediation and waste management: according to the investigations, conducted by soldiers of the economic-financial police unit of the Guardia di Finanza of Naples, there would have been a “systematic squandering of public funds”, which would have led to damage to the treasury of almost six million euros.

Public funds for music streaming

The measures, issued by the Court of Auditors (regional prosecutor Antonio Giuseppone, deputy general prosecutors Davide Vitale and Flavia Del Grosso) were notified by the yellow flames; the survey covers the years from 2012 to 2022.

In particular, it emerged that the rechargeable cards, the so-called “flash cards”, established for urgent purchases of less than one thousand euros, were used for purposes that had nothing to do with the activities of Sma Campania: some of the payments had been made for personal and recreational/recreational purposes, such as monthly subscriptions to music streaming servicesand even late at night, therefore at times not compatible with carrying out administrative activities.

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The yellow flames also ascertained that the company used car rental and mobile telephony services with direct assignments, without adhering to the Consip agreement and without carrying out public tenders, in violation of the regulations on public procurement and, among other things, spending moreover.

The survey on promotions and salaries

Another aspect concerns employee promotions and salaries. The career advancements, we read in a note, in most cases were carried out with conciliation reports, “without activating any selective and/or comparative procedure or selection mechanisms for deserving employees”, a circumstance which concerns both the staff of the territorial structures and those employed in purification plants, “in violation of the regulations on personnel recruitment and career advancement in the public administration”.

In terms of management and remuneration, the investigators highlighted “concessions, in the absence of the conditions, of extraordinary remuneration components called “superminimi”“. These are, we read again in the note, salary increases which were however given “in the absence of internal provisions having general application” and in the absence “of an adequate motivation”, which could have been, for example, the quality of the employee, a greater burdensomeness of the tasks or a higher production capacity.

The tax damage, quantified at 5,777,757.45 euros, was attributed by the Accounting Prosecutor’s Office, in some cases directly to the responsibility of the pro tempore company top management and, in others, to officials and employees. The alleged perpetrators, concludes the note from the Guardia di Finanza, “will now be able to examine all the sources of evidence indicated on the basis of the complaint formulated, deposit their deductions and any documents, or request to be heard by the proceeding judicial accounting authority”

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Guest 2: I believe ⁣that⁤ while “superminimi” can ‌be justified in certain​ cases, there must be strict criteria to determine⁤ when and ‍how they are awarded. It’s essential to avoid any semblance of favoritism and ensure ⁣that⁤ all compensation structures are​ equitable and transparent to ‍maintain the trust of the workforce and the ‌public.

‍Guest 1: Dr. Maria⁣ Rosaria ‍Gallo, Director of Financial Studies at the University of Naples

Guest 2: ⁣Mr. Domenico ⁤Napoleone, Former Director‍ of Sma Campania Spa⁤ and current Business Consultant

Website Editor: Hello ⁤and ‍welcome to our ⁣discussion on ⁤the recent developments in ‍the squandering of ​public funds in ⁢Sma Campania​ Spa. First of all, could you please tell us your ⁢thoughts on the result of⁣ the investigation conducted by the Financial Police‌ of Guardia di Finanza, which revealed a systematic misuse of funds amounting to⁣ nearly six million euros?

Guest 1: It’s quite concerning to see ⁢such a large amount ‌of public funds being squandered in this manner.‌ The use of rechargeable cards for⁣ personal purposes, such as monthly ‌subscriptions to music streaming services, clearly demonstrates a lack of accountability and transparency in the management of public funds. This ⁢kind of⁢ behavior not only hurts‌ the​ financial stability of the region but also undermines the trust ​of citizens in their institutions.

Guest 2: I would like to ⁣emphasize that I was never personally involved ‍in any wrongdoing during⁢ my tenure as Director of​ Sma Campania Spa. However, I⁣ agree that there is always room for improvement in the management of⁣ public funds. The issue of using rechargeable cards for ⁤personal purposes is definitely something that‍ needs to‍ be addressed,​ and I am glad that ⁢the Financial ​Police has brought it to light. As for the use of car⁤ rental and telephony services without public⁣ tenders, we must remember‌ that ⁤these were‌ necessary for ⁢the ‌efficient ‌functioning of the company’s operations. However, I ⁤understand ⁤that the selection process for promotions and benefits should be ⁢more transparent and fair to ensure that ⁣deserving employees are rewarded ⁤accordingly.

Website Editor: Moving on to the issue of irregular promotions and salaries, what are your thoughts on the‍ “extraordinary remuneration‍ components called ‘superminimi'”? Were they really​ warranted in all cases?

Guest 1: The concept of “superminimi” is not entirely clear to me. However,‌ from what we know, ‍it seems ‌like ‍these payments were not based on merit or ‍performance but rather given arbitrarily. This goes ⁣against the principles of fair and transparent management of public funds. There must

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