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Investigation. Grenoble, Nantes, Béziers… More and more customers, victims of stings in nightclubs

Ten people filed a complaint after being victims of stings during parties in two night establishments in Béziers, in the Hérault, and an investigation was opened for “administration of harmful substances”, as recently in Grenoble or Nantes indicated Thursday the floor.

In total, in France, at least sixty similar facts have been recorded since the beginning of April in night establishments.

Among the complainants, young people, some minors, claimed to have felt a sting in different parts of the body while they were in two night establishments in Béziers on the night of April 17 to 18.

Hot flushes, nausea, malaise or loss of balance

These bites “resulted in minor symptoms” such as hot flashes, nausea, malaise or loss of balance, explained in a press release the city prosecutor, Raphaël Balland.

According to the police source, “things differ” in the “operating mode” of these attacks: some may have been accompanied by sexual assault, for example, others not. The investigators are also awaiting the results of the toxicological analyzes to see if the substance administered is the same.

Paralyzed on the right side for two days

“It was very painful,” told AFP Noémie, 23, hit “in the thigh, up to the sciatic nerve” last weekend in Béziers. The young woman, who prefers not to give her last name for professional reasons, claims to have been taken to the emergency room by friends after feeling unwell, “eyes rolled back”. She also says that she was “paralyzed on the right side for two days”.

The authorities have invited any victims to come forward as soon as possible to the police or the gendarmerie, or to the nearest hospital, as certain substances such as GHB (nicknamed “the rape drug”) are no longer detectable. after a few hours.

The parquet floor of Grenoble, in Isère, indicated that it had opened an investigation of the same type after six young women and three young men claimed to have felt a sting during evenings in nightclubs or a concert in April.

The parquet floor of Nantes (West) had done the samefollowing the reports of stings by 23 young people who attended eight nightlife establishments in the city.

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