Home » today » News » Investigation. Accused of violence by his ex-girlfriend, Kaaris files a complaint for slanderous denunciation

Investigation. Accused of violence by his ex-girlfriend, Kaaris files a complaint for slanderous denunciation

Rapper Kaaris, targeted since last week by a preliminary investigation after accusations of violence made by his ex-companion, filed a complaint against the latter for slanderous denunciation, his lawyer said.

Linda P., who filed a complaint against Kaaris, accuses the latter, with whom she has a child, of having kicked and punched her while pulling out her nails after an argument in the garage of her house, in Linas (Essonne) south of Paris, on January 19, 2021.

“False facts” according to the complaint for slanderous denunciation filed by Kaaris, Okou Gnakouri of his real name, Wednesday with the prosecution of Evry.

The facts “orchestrated from scratch”

According to the document, consulted by AFP, Linda P. “orchestrated from scratch the acts of violence which she subsequently denounced to the judicial authority” to “exert a form of media, legal and financial pressure” on the person of Kaaris.

In particular, photographs of Linda P. are attached to the complaint, described by the rapper’s defense as taken in Guadeloupe a few days after the facts denounced. She seems “happy and fulfilled; which seems somewhat surprising in view of the facts that she had just denounced, ”argues the complaint.

Linda P. “tries to destroy the image of Kaaris in public and, in the shadows, she works, with others, to try to extort it”, affirmed the lawyer of the artist, Me Yassine Maharsi .

“The evidence submitted is overwhelming and she will have to explain herself to the prosecution, rather than fantasizing on social networks,” he added.

Fact check

Contacted by AFP, Me Adrien Gabeaud, one of Linda P.’s lawyers, for his part denounced Thursday a complaint “as predictable as doomed to failure”. “When one is indisputably implicated, it can be tempting to artificially create a case within the case. I observe that Kaaris gives in to all the facilities, especially the crudest ones, ”he added.

After the opening of its preliminary investigation last week, the Evry prosecutor’s office specified that it had not yet “qualified the facts”, recalling that it was up to the investigation to “verify the elements that exist and to give sequel or not”.

Kaaris, a 42-year-old rapper from Sevran (Seine-Saint-Denis), achieved success with the release of his album “Or Noir” in 2013. He was sentenced in October 2018 to an 18-month suspended prison sentence for a fight which had opposed him to his rival Booba at Orly airport.

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