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‘Invest 90 million in social development companies to tackle staff shortage’

Invest 90 million euros in workplaces at social development companies, so that people with a greater distance from the labor market also find work. This is the appeal made by Cedris, the association for an inclusive labor market. The 10,000 extra places that this will provide, according to the association, can be used to tackle the shortage in the labor market and make the workplace more inclusive.

People with a distance from the labor market include people who have an occupational disability, who have been on social assistance for a long time and who have become unaccustomed to the work rhythm, people who have a psychiatric past, who have been declared partially incapacitated for work and status holders who do not speak the language. to be.

Record number of vacancies

There is now a record number of vacancies and yet companies are not always able to fill them. Two weeks ago the Central Bureau of Statistics reported that there have never been so many vacancies compared to the number of unemployed. In the third quarter of this year, there were 126 vacancies for every 100 unemployed.

According to Cedris, social development companies, formerly known as social work companies, are receiving many requests from the business community for extra work due to the shortage. According to Cedris, there is therefore an opportunity to make the labor market more inclusive.

But then extra money is needed, because resources and people are needed to guide these people and to organize the work properly. That is why Cedris is asking The Hague for a budget of 90 million euros to be able to offer work to 10,000 people.

At this Markro branch in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the employer and the employee are happy that she can start working through this construction:

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