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Invest 15 thousand euros and make profits in 15 months

Making 15,000 euros worth of savings in such a way as to obtain interesting earnings in a short time might seem like a utopia but in reality it is possible.


After months or years of saving and effort, have you managed to set aside 15 thousand euros and now do you want to be able to increase this sum to be repaid for all the efforts made? You will think that to obtain gains it will be necessary to wait several springs but in reality your wish could come true in just 15 months. It will be necessary to choose the best path and make the right investments and, starting today, a nice surprise could surprise you already next summer.

Savings of 15 thousand euros, how much they can make in 15 months

Far from the idea of ​​keeping their savings in the bank, many Italians are trying strade alternative to the current account in which to invest the laboriously accumulated money in order to obtain interesting profits. The solutions to be considered are different and the final choice will depend above all on the needs and type of investor to which you belong. Savers are usually little risk-takers who, on the one hand, wish to earn, on the other, ardently intend to protect savings and minimize the risk of capital losses.

A sure way for this type of saver is the deposit account, a product that offers interest and presents zero risk. This investment tool relies on a traditional current account but only allows deposits and withdrawals with limitations. The highest returns in 15 months can be obtained by choosing to open an escrow account which therefore does not provide for the release of the money until the expiry of the set term. The rates applied are advantageous and increase as the holding period increases. Let’s talk about percentages that vary dall’1% all’1,50% and that will allow you to increase your savings.

Postal savings bonds, earn with savings of 15,000 euros

A second way to consider to earn on 15 thousand euros of savings accumulated over time has as its protagonist the Postal Interest Bonds. Also in this case, these are safe investments, without risks, which do not have any subscription or redemption costs and which take advantage of the subsidized taxation of 12.50%. Poste Italiane offers different types of Coupons that differ according to the characteristics and yields offered. The range of returns goes from 0.50% of the 3 × 4 voucher to 2.50% of the voucher dedicated to minors. The remuneration in 15 months will not be high but it will help, however, to increase the money saved.

Risk lovers, here’s how to increase your savings

The figure of 15 thousand euros is a considerable sum to think about investing part of the capital using other options than those already mentioned. The solution we are referring to is dedicated, however, to risk-takers who know the financial markets in depth and know how to read the trends of stocks, shares, safe haven assets, cryptocurrencies and the like. The fast way to earn in 15 months and increase the savings we are referring to is linked to the practice of trading online which is part of high-risk investments. Risks and rewards, however, are directly proportional and this means that if you want to get higher returns you will have to opt for taking more risks. This is a completely personal choice, a decision to be made only after having reasoned and properly investigated the topic in question.

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