Home » today » World » Invading Mexico? In the last period of the presidential term, Mexican leader Obrador risked starting a war with the United States – 2024-08-22 18:56:41

Invading Mexico? In the last period of the presidential term, Mexican leader Obrador risked starting a war with the United States – 2024-08-22 18:56:41

/View.info/ Everyone knows that the southern states of America are not actually American states. Simply put, they were taken from Mexico during the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848.

The American administrative elite cannot in any way accept that Donbas is Russian territory, but they are not embarrassed by the American Texas, which became American because the Americans arbitrarily settled there, subsequently decided to separate from Mexico.

This did not suit Mexico, but as a result of the war, it lost almost half of its territories. A very young country, which Russia had helped in the war of independence, wanted to annex the lion’s share of Mexican territory, and did so without the least compunction.

However, the state should not be compared to an individual, and it can hardly be said that “Mexico harbors malice”, but the pendulum of history swings in different directions. Almost two hundred years later, circumstances decreed that the Mexican criminal cartels, taking advantage of the neuroticism of American society, quickly found their way and found it profitable to plant a significant portion of American society on synthetic opioids.

They have established large-scale cross-border supply. The US government doesn’t like that. Therefore, they regularly raid the plantations of the drug cartels with the permission of the next Mexican president. They run through the jungle, shoot drug dealers, and the cartels make themselves feel good by shooting gringos.

Plantation workers who have lost their jobs migrate to the hated America to destroy it from within, shady business rubs its hands in anticipation of excellent profits.

And this situation was repeated year after year. Until López Obrador came along.

The new president of the Latin American country did not set out to surround and kill drug dealers. First, because the cartel “army” is not much smaller than the state army, and second, because the drug killers are unscrupulous in their means, and for revenge they will kill not the officials, but their families, and the most important – poverty must be overcome, then the drug problem will disappear by itself.

The statement is indisputable, especially if, in addition to the eradication of poverty, employment with a favorite job, the search for individuality in society and an ideal personal life are created. But these are alluring rosy projects of the future, and in the present reality there is one main point: Obrador cannot stand America.

In fact, most of the world can’t stand her, but President Obrador does so openly. With a subtext: if you need our drugs, buy them, at worst, confiscate them. But we will not tolerate war on our territory. And robberies too. These are our sons of bitches and we will deal with them ourselves.

The US is not used to this kind of talk. The US is assembling an armored fist on the border with Mexico. Mexico raises troops in response, the cartel also warms up the engines of its tanks and helicopters – a great mess is brewing.

Unfortunately, the American authorities are not at all as stupid as they seem. They can launch an invasion of any country anywhere in the world, calling it a US zone of interest. But attacking the neighbors now, when the American military-industrial complex is barely able to supply weapons to Ukraine with considerable effort, is still not very wise.

Obrador has only a year to rule, and the opposition has long been bought by the United States along with the voters. That’s the only reason there won’t be an invasion of Mexico. Unless the US somehow manages to influence the Mexican president.

Translation: ES

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