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Introduction to Mindfulness Workshop: Techniques for a Calm and Present Life

28.10.2023 – 28.10.2023

Berne, Welle7 / Schanzenstrasse 5


10:00 –


Mindfulness training has established itself in the western world as a way of being more present, calm and concentrated and less stress. The holistic training program includes ancient Buddhist and the latest neuroscientific and psychological findings. The goal is to transfer a mindful attitude to private and professional everyday life and thus to be able to deal with stress and burdensome thoughts and feelings in a more relaxed manner. The workshop includes in-depth, theoretical background knowledge on mindfulness and learning and applying techniques for mindful everyday life.


Each lesson includes: Introduction to mindfulnessMindful awareness of the body, thoughts, feelings and breath: body scan Mindful bodywork: gentle stretching and yoga exercises Mindfulness meditations in stillness and movement: various sitting meditations and walking meditations


You can just get started, you don’t need any prior knowledge.


The introductory workshop is suitable for people aged 16 and over who feel stressed professionally/privately. who want to get to know mindfulness as a method and want to know the background and learn practical exercises.

Learning objectives

You know the positive effects of mindfulness training on physical and mental well-being. You know the first exercises that you can integrate into everyday life.

Course offers for continuation

Mindfulness training, stress management through mindfulness (mbsr), relaxation courses

Additional information

In this course you need a towel and comfortable clothing. This course is recognized by Qualitop. If you have the appropriate supplementary insurance, you have the option of claiming a contribution towards the course costs from your health insurance company. Further information: qualitop.ch


1. On 28.10.2023 10:00 – 13:50

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2023-07-01 18:57:10
#Mindfulness #Training #Workshop #Bern #Scuola #Club #Migros

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