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Introduction of Wide-Area Emergency Vehicle Priority Signal System in Gyeonggi Province


In order to secure golden time in an emergency situation where ‘every minute, every second’ is a competition, it is important for emergency vehicles to move quickly without congestion.

Gyeonggi Province is the first in the country to introduce a system that provides priority signals to emergency vehicles without city or county restrictions.

This is reporter Choi Myeong-shin.


This is a demonstration of the regional emergency vehicle priority signal system held in Paju, Gyeonggi-do last month.

When a fire is reported, an emergency dispatch order is given to the fire truck.

“Yes, it’s 119. How can I help you? There’s a fire in the apartment? Yes, the caller, can you see the flames now? Yes, I understand. I will organize a vehicle.”

An emergency patient occurred at the fire site and urgently needed to be transferred to a large hospital in Goyang city.

The 119 ambulance arrived at the hospital in about 20 minutes without waiting for a single signal and only receiving a blue light.

This is the result of the Gyeonggi-do Traffic Information Center analyzing traffic signal information and ambulance location information in real time and encouraging Paju City and Goyang City to issue priority signals at the same time.

[홍순혁 / 파주119소방센터 소방교 : 도착 시간이 획기적으로 줄어들 것 같고요. 그로 인해 (피해 감소라든지) 구급 활동을 하는 데 있어서 더 원활하게 진행할 수 있을 것 같습니다.]

Currently, many local governments are operating a priority signal system, but since it is limited to the jurisdictional area, there are difficulties in receiving priority signals when moving to other local governments.

To solve this problem, Gyeonggi-do Province became the first in the country to introduce a ‘wide-area emergency vehicle priority signal system’ that provides priority signals even when emergency vehicles are dispatched across city and county boundaries.

The introduction of this system is expected to significantly contribute to securing golden time by reducing travel time by up to 50%.

[이철규 / 경기도 교통정보운영팀장 : 대한민국 전체가 유기적인 재난대응 응급 체계를 구축할 수 있도록 관련 기관에 적극 협조할 예정입니다.]

This system is currently being piloted between Goyang City and Paju City.

Gyeonggi Province plans to introduce it in five additional cities, including Anyang, Gunpo, Gwangmyeong, Uiwang, and Gwacheon, by the end of this year and expand it to the entire Gyeonggi Province by 2026.

This is YTN Choi Myeong-shin.

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2023-10-01 17:18:00
#ambulance #passes #blue #light #appears.. #Gyeonggi #Province #introduces #metropolitan #priority #signal #system

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