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Introduction of Marketing Staff | CEA – Chemistry

Personal information

Name: Matthias Dirk Michl
Birth date: 02.08.1982
Department/Team: Marketing – DEINZER+WEYLAND GmbH
Position in the company: Marketing Coordinator / Supervisor
How long have you been working for the company? Since September ’23

Professional background

What made you choose this industry?

When I was studying, I always found marketing boring. I wanted to implement ideas creatively. Artistic and innovative. As a freelancer, I quickly realized that I couldn’t do it without marketing. So I got back into the books and continued my education in different areas. But in my field, you’re always learning. Every day!

How did you come to our company?

In fact, it was a coincidence. They were looking for a media designer and I applied. The rest is history.

What are your main tasks here?
My tasks are not easy to explain. Essentially, it is about coordinating all marketing measures and thus creating the highest brand value. For D+W, CEA and Stolz

What do you like most about your job?
The variety and my great team.

Personal interests

Do you have hobbies or interests that you would like to share with us?
I really enjoy riding my motorcycle and otherwise I like to do anything that is creative and relevant to my job.

What motivates you every day?
My family and the dream I live.

Is there a particular quote or philosophy of life that guides you?
Life is too short not to live!

Vision of the future

Where do you see yourself in five years?
I still hope on my chair 😉
What goals do you want to achieve in the company?
Goals? I think to use the opportunities that arise to move forward and grow.


What advice would you give to new employees?
Do your job as well as you can, don’t stand still. The last one to leave will be the one left behind.

Is there anything you would like to share with the team?
You guys are awesome. Thanks for the support.

Personal employee interview questionnaire

About you

How would you describe yourself in three words? I am me.

What is your nickname and is there a story behind it?
Matze or Michl… it just happened like that.

Which languages ​​do you speak and which ones would you like to learn? German, English and Chinese (at least for my children)

Background and experience

What was your dream job as a child and how has it changed over time?
I wanted to be a police officer or do something creative. Well, I’m not a police officer.

Is there a special experience in your career that has shaped you?
The years as branch manager.

Interests and preferences

What was the last book you read or what is your favorite book?
Fabian Hieronimus – Personality-oriented brand management.

If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be and why?
My dog. Or rather, my lazy dog ​​
What is your favorite movie or series and what do you like about it?Mr. Robot – I love the story.

Personal values ​​and motivation

What values ​​are particularly important to you in life?Courtesy and justice.
What inspires you in everyday life and are there role models you admire?
My father. May God rest his soul.

Dreams and goals

What is at the top of your personal bucket list?
Once to San Francisco in ripped jeans.

Do you have a hidden talent or passion you would like to share with us?
Passion: I have successfully practiced martial arts for many, many years both actively and as a trainer.
Talent: I manage to summon the wrath of God within seconds… (of my wife 🙂 )

Final thoughts

What does ‘success’ mean to you personally?
Success is … when my work fills the fridge.
Is there a life wisdom or motto that guides you?
Life is hard! Be tougher…

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