The Baden-Württemberg quality mark (QZ BW) is to be introduced for orchards in the summer of 2024.
A round table with Agriculture Minister Peter Hauk set the key points of the Baden-Württemberg quality mark (QZ BW) for orchards in the summer of 2023, as can be read in an industry information document. Accordingly, for future application, orchards are defined in accordance with Section 4 (7) of the Agriculture and State Culture Act, with the exception of the minimum area specified there. The notice does not contain any more specific information about this.
When it comes to cultural management, it says: Plant protection measures should be permitted on orchards up to the fifth year of growth. However, no herbicides are permitted. A prerequisite for mineral fertilization is a soil analysis. Nitrogen fertilization is not permitted. A quality mark certification is required for the raw material with a tolerance of 5 percent, provided there is no targeted addition. When it comes to juice, however, an addition of 15 percent “non-strewn fruit” is permitted to round off the taste.
The Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection (MLR) has been in discussions with practitioners since the beginning of 2022. At a technical discussion in May 2023, the topics of adding “non-orchard fruit” and plant protection were particularly controversial. The authority is currently designing a labeling and control system as well as a communication concept.
2023-12-30 04:06:57
#Quality #mark #summer